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Sala Stampa

The Credential Letters of the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Holy See, 16.11.2018

At 12.15 today, the Holy Father will receive in audience H.E. Mr. Josip Gelo, ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Holy See, on the occasion of the presentation of his credential letters.

The following is a brief biography of the new ambassador:

H.E. Mr. Josip Gelo
Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Holy See

H.E. Mr. Josip Gelo was born on 19 March 1966 and is married with three children.

He graduated in theology from the Theological Faculty of Zagreb, Croatia, in 1993.

He has held the following offices: elementary teacher in the “Matija Gubec” School, Zagreb (1991-1992); commander of infantry platoon (1992-1993); adviser for political activities at the “Petar Krešimir IV” Internal Defence Regime (2003-2005); head of the Department for Information and Diaspora, municipality of Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995-2004); president of the municipal council of Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004-2005); director of the Franciscan Museum and Gorica Gallery, Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2005-2016); ambassador to Italy, Malta and San Marino and Permanent Representative to the F.A.O. (from November 2016-2018).

Foreign languages known: Croatian, English, Italian and German.