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Synod18 – Briefing (22 October 2018), 22.10.2018

Today, Monday 22 October, a briefing will be held on the work of the Synod, to take place at 13.30 in the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54. The following will be present:

- Rev. Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B., Major Rector of the Salesian Society of Saint John Bosco (Salesians);

- H.E. Msgr. Paolo Bizzeti, S.J., apostolic vicar of Anatolia, titular bishop of Tabe, Turkey;

- H.E. Msgr. Frank J. Caggiano, bishop of Bridgeport, United States of America;

- H.E. Msgr. David Macaire, O.P., archbishop of Fort-de-France, Martinique;

- Ms. Henriette Camara, auditor, member of the Catholic Scouts, Guinea.
