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Sala Stampa

The Credential Letters of the Ambassador of the Philippines to the Holy See, 01.09.2018

At 9.30 this morning, the Holy Father received in audience H.E. Ms. Grace Relucio Princesa, for the presentation of her credential letters.

The following is a brief biography of the new ambassador:

H.E. Ms. Grace Relucio Princesa
Ambassador of the Philippines to the Holy See

H.E. Ms. Grace Relucio Princesa was born on 20 January 1956 in Ligao, Albay. Philippines.

She is a widow with five children.

She graduated in international relations from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, in 1977, and subsequently obtained a master’s degree in migration studies (Miriam College, 2016).

She has held the following offices: official at the Ministry of Human Settlements in Manila (1979-1986); acting director and then director of the European Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1986-1989); special assistant in the Department for Consular Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1989-1990); consul general in Chicago, U.S.A. (1990-1994); consul general in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. (1994-1996); first embassy secretary and consul in Cairo (1996-1998); director of the Department for Asia and the Pacific at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1998-1999); director of the Department of Personnel and Administrative Services at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1999-2001); chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Embassy in Baghdad (2001-2003); minister and consul general to the Permanent Mission to the European Union in Geneva (2003-2007); executive director of the Department for the United Nations and Other International Organizations (UNIO) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007-2009) and permanent representative at the International Agency for Renewable Energy - IRENA (2010); ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (2009-2015); and assistant secretary at the Legislative Link Unit at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (since 2015).

Foreign languages known: Arabic.
