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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 22.05.2018

Appointment of archbishop of Mendoza, Argentina

Appointment of bishop of Mbulu, Tanzania


Appointment of archbishop of Mendoza, Argentina

The Holy Father has appointed as archbishop of Mendoza, Argentina, H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Daniel Colombo, currently bishop of La Rioja.

H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Daniel Colombo

H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Daniel Colombo was born on 27 March 1961. After obtaining a bacherlor’s degree in trade and the title of lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires, in 1982 he entered the seminary of Quilmes. He was ordained a priest on 16 December 1988, and in 1994 obtained a doctorate in canon law from the Angelicum in Rome. He has held various offices in difference parishes, in the Curia and in the seminary of Quilmes, and has been a visiting professor in the faculty of canon law of the Catholic University of Argentina and episcopal delegate at the Catholic University of La Plata. In 2004 he was appointed as pastor of the Cathedral of Quilmes.

He was appointed as bishop of Orán on 8 May 2008, and was consecrated the following 8 August. On 13 July 2013 he was transferred to the diocese of La Rioja.

In 2017, the prelate was elected as second vice president of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina. He is also a member of the Commissions for Social Pastoral Ministry, Aborigenal Pastoral Ministry, the Lay Apostolate, Family Pastoral Care and the Council for Economic Affairs.


Appointment of bishop of Mbulu, Tanzania

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of Mbulu, Tanzania, the Rev. Anthony Lagwen, of the clergy of the same diocese, currently bursar of the same ecclesiastical circumscription.

Rev. Anthony Lagwen

The Rev. Anthony Lagwen was born on 5 July 1967 in Tlawi, in the diocese of Mbulu. After primary studies in his native country and secondary school in the Sanu minor seminary in Mbulu, he studied philosophy in the Saint Anthony Seminary in Ntungamo, Bukoba, and theology in the Saint Paul interdiocesan major seminary in Kipalapala, Tabora. He was ordained on 18 October 1999 for the diocese of Mbulu.

Since priestly ordination he has held the following offices: parish vicar of Bashay (1999-2000); studies in business administration at the Saint Augustine Catholic University of Tanzania in Mwanza (2000-2004); bursar of the diocese of Mbulu (2004-2009); studies at the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute in Arusha (2009-2011); and bursar of the diocese of Mbulu since 2012.
