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Sala Stampa

Pastoral visit to the Roman parish of the Most Holy Sacrament, 06.05.2018

This afternoon, Sixth Sunday of Easter, the Holy Father Francis paid a pastoral visit to the Roman parish of the Most Holy Sacrament at Tor de’ Schiavi, where he inaugurated the “Casa della Gioia”, the “House of Joy”, for people with disabilities, set up in the attic of the buildings.

Upon arrival, at around 16.00, the Pope was received by Archbishop Angelo De Donatis, vicar general of the diocese of Rome, the titular Cardinal José Gregorio Rosa Chávez, the archbishop of Manila and president of Caritas Internationalis, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, linked to the creation of the “House of Joy”, the parish priest Don Maurizio Mirilli, the deputy priest Don Vasile Alexandru Muresan, and various parish collaborators.

In the oratory the Pope, encountering the parish community, responded to four questions posed by a parent, a young person, a teenager and a child. Subsequently, in the parish hall, he met some elderly and sick people. He then went up to view the “House of Joy”. In the spaces set up for the day centre Pope Francis met with the heads of Caritas, and the “Quartieri solidali” and “Condomini solidali”, projects, and of the nocturnal service for those without fixed abode. The Holy Father then spoke with the disabled people from the day centre and their families. He then visited the new family house and, after blessing the rooms, met with the seven young people who will live there along with two women religious and a laywoman. He then went into the parish where he confessed several penitents.

At 17.30 he celebrated Holy Mass during which he imparted the sacrament of Confirmation to a child from the parish affected by a mitochondrial disease, and her mother. At the end, after greetings to the faithful gathered in the adjacent square who had followed the celebration on the maxi-screens set up for the occasion, he returned to the Vatican.
