Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Notice, 04.05.2018

On Monday 7 May 2018, at 12.30, in the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54, there will be a “Meeting Point” for journalists, to present the project “Bridges of Solidarity – integrated pastoral plan to assist Venezuelan migrants in South America”, conceived as a concrete response to the challenges posed by the mass migration involving the Venezuelan people.

Assisted by the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, and in response to the appeal of the Holy Father, eight Episcopal Conferences of South America have drafted a pastoral plan to receive, protect, promote and integrate Venezuelans compelled to migrate, in every phase of their movement, from departure, through transit, up to arrival and eventual return home.

In addition, a course will be presented on “Advocacy in the migratory context” for pastoral agents in South America, promoted by the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina and sponsored by the same Migrants and Refugees Section.

The following will be present:

Fr. Arturo Sosa S.J., superiore general of Jesuits of Venezuelan origin, former rector of the Catholic University of Táchira, and former editor of the journal SIC;

Fr. Fabio Baggio, C.S. and Fr. Michael Czerny, S.J., under-secretaries of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
