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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 17.04.2018

Resignation of bishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina, presented by H.E. Msgr. José María Arancedo.

The Pope has appointed as metropolitan archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina, H.E. Msgr. Sergio Alfredo Fenoy, currently bishop of San Miguel.

H.E. Msgr. Sergio Alfredo Fenoy

H.E. Msgr. Sergio Alfredo Fenoy was born in Rosario, in the province of Santa Fe, on 19 May 1959. He was ordained a priest for the archdiocese of Rosario on 2 December 1983. He holds a licentiate in canon law from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.

On 3 April 1999 he was elected as titular bishop of Satafis and auxiliary of Rosario, receiving episcopal ordination the following 21 May. On 5 December 2006 he was transferred to the see of San Miguel.

Within the Argentine Episcopal Conference he was secretary general and, currently, is part of the Permanent Commission as Delegate of the pastoral region of Buenos Aires and member of the Board of Legal Affairs and of the Commission of the Catholic University of Argentina.
