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The Pope’s words at the Regina Coeli prayer, 08.04.2018

Before the Regina Coeli

After the Regina Coeli

At the end of the Holy Mass celebrated on the parvis on the Vatican Basilica on the Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday, the Holy Father Francis guided the recital of the Regina Coeli with the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

The following is the Pope’s introduction to the Easter time Marian prayer:


Before the Regina Coeli

Dear brothers and sisters,

Before the final blessing, we turn in prayer to our heavenly Mother. But first of all I would like to thank all those of you who have participated in this celebration, in particular the Missionaries of Mercy, gathered for their meeting. Thank you for your service!

I offer my warmest wishes to our brothers and sisters of the Oriental Churches who today, following to the Julian calendar, celebrate the Solemnity of Easter. May the Risen Lord fill them with light and peace, and console the communities who live in particularly difficult situations.

I give a special greeting to the Roma and Sinti present here today, on the occasion of the International Day, the Romanò Dives. I wish peace and brotherhood to the members of these ancient peoples, and hope that this day may favour a culture of encounter, with the good will to get to know each other and mutually respect each other. This is the road that leads to a true integration. Dear Roma and Sinti, pray for me and let us pray together for your Syrian refugee brothers.

I greet all the other pilgrims here today, the parish groups, families, and associations; and together let us shelter under the mantle of Mary, Mother of Mercy.


After the Regina Coeli

We receive news from Syria of terrible bombings with dozens of victims, many of whom are women and children. News of many people affected by the chemical substances contained in the bombs. Let us pray for all the deceased, for the injured, for the families who suffer. There is no such thing as a good war and a bad one, and nothing, nothing, can justify the use of such instruments of destruction against defenceless people and populations. Let us pray that the political and military authorities choose another way, that of negotiation, the only way that can lead to a peace that is not that of death and destruction.
