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Sala Stampa

Telegram of condolences for the death of Cardinal Arns, genuine witness of the Gospel amid the Brazilian people, 15.12.2016

Pope Francis has sent a message of condolences to Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer, archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil, following the death yesterday of Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, emeritus of the same archdiocese, at the age of 95.

“I receive with great sadness the news of the death of our venerated brother, Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns”, writes the Holy Father. “I express also to the auxiliary bishops, the clergy, the religious communities and the faithful of the archdiocese of São Paulo, as well as to the family of the deceased, my condolences for the passing of this intrepid pastor who in his ecclesial ministry revealed himself to be an authentic witness of the Gospel amid his people, showing to all the path of truth in charity and in service to the community, in constant attention to the most disadvantaged. I thank the Lord for having given the Church such a generous pastor, and raise fervent prayers that God may grant eternal joy to this good and faithful servant of His. I convey to the archdiocesan community that mourns the loss of its beloved pastor, to the Church of Brazil, which found in him a sure point of reference, and those who share in this hour of sadness that announces the resurrection, the comfort of my Apostolic Blessing”.
