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Angelus: the Pope thanks deacons for their presence in the Church, 30.05.2016

Vatican City, 29 May 2016 – At the end of the Mass for the Jubilee of Permanent Deacons, and before praying the Angelus, the Pope thanked all the participants for their presence in the Church, before going on to greet the various groups of pilgrims, especially the European Association of "Historicher Schützen", the participants in the "Journey of Forgiveness" organised by the Celestinian Movement, and the National Association for the Defence of Renewable Energy, "engaged in the task of education in care for creation".

He then recalled that today is the National Relief Day, which aims to help people to live well the final phase of their earthly existence, and he mentioned that on this date the traditional pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine of Piekary takes place in Poland. "May the Mother of Mercy support families and young people on their journey towards World Youth Day in Krakow."

Finally, he mentioned that next Wednesday, 1 June, will be International Children's Day, and the Christian communities of Syria, both Catholic and Orthodox, will share a special prayer for peace, focusing in particular on children. "Syrian children invite children from all around the world to join them in their prayer for peace", said Francis, who before concluding commended these intentions to the Virgin Mary, along with the life and ministry of all deacons in the world.
