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Sala Stampa

Francis reminds faithful that May is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, 04.05.2016

Vatican City, 4 May 2016 – In his greetings to pilgrims from various countries following today's general audience, the Pope recalled that the month of May is dedicated to Our Lady, and urged the young to cultivate their devotion to the Mother of God by praying the Rosary every day, the sick to feel the closeness of Mary of Nazareth especially in the hour of the cross, and married couples to pray that love and mutual respect may never be lacking in their homes.

He then addressed the Polish faithful, commenting that yesterday was the celebration of Our Lady Queen of Poland. "The collection during the Mass of this solemnity reminds us that God gives to your nation, through the Virgin Mary, an admirable help and protection, so that thanks to her intercession, the faith may enjoy continuing freedom and your homeland may develop in peace. Joining in this prayer, I offer my heartfelt blessing to Poland and to every one of you."

Finally, he welcomed the families and friends of the new Swiss Guards, in Rome for their swearing-in ceremony.
