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Pope's appeal against the cruel abomination of Brussels terrorist attacks, 23.03.2016

Vatican City, 23 March 2016 – The Pope, following the catechesis of today's general audience, once more expressed his sorrow at yesterday's attacks in Brussels and launched an appeal for all people of goodwill to join in unanimous condemnation of this cruelty.

"I have followed with a heavy heart the sad news of the terrorist attacks committed yesterday in Brussels, which have claimed numerous victims and injured many more", he said. "I assure my prayer and closeness to the dear Belgian people, to all the relatives of the victims and all those injured. I again appeal to all people of goodwill to unite in unanimous condemnation of these cruel abominations that cause only death, terror and horror. I ask all to persist in prayer and in asking the Lord, in this Holy Week, to comfort the afflicted hearts and to convert the hearts of those who are blinded by cruel fundamentalism, by the intercession of the Virgin Mary".

He invited those present to pray a Hail Mary, adding, "And now, in silence, let us pray for the deceased, for the injured, for their families, and for all the Belgian people".
