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Sala Stampa

Elderly to distribute the Gospel of Mercy in St. Peter's Square tomorrow, 12.03.2016

Vatican City, 12 March 2016 – The Apostolic Almoner today issued a communiqué to announce that tomorrow, following the Angelus prayer, elderly volunteers will distribute "The Gospel of Mercy" of St. Luke, which is read continually in the Sunday liturgy this year (Cycle C), and is particularly indicated in this extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, convoked by Pope Francis. Indeed, the text of Luke contains Jesus' words, 'Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful'".

The Holy Father will present this Gospel, in a pocket-sized format, at the window of the Apostolic Palace and, following the Marian prayer, 40,000 copies will be distributed to those present in the Square. This time, the volunteers responsible for this will be workers at the paediatric dispensary of Santa Marta in the Vatican, along with around a thousand grandparents and elderly persons from the city of Rome. "It is very important that this gift from the Pope, who wants to reach the heart and mind of all, is given by those who have themselves transmitted life and hand down to their children and grandchildren the greatest and most beautiful values: now, as wise proclaimers of the mercy of the heavenly Father, they give to us that most valuable legacy, the Gospel of Jesus! As grandparents are experts in mercy, children and grandchildren are able to learn it from them".

After distributing the Gospel, the volunteers will pass through the Holy Door of Mercy.
