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Alphabetical [« »] lacerate 2 lacerated 2 lachish 30 lack 70 lacked 10 lacking 31 lacks 17 | Frequency [« »] 70 figure 70 grave 70 harlot 70 lack 70 months 70 nineveh 70 oracle | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances lack |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 18: 20(6) | Isaiah 1:9-10; 3:9), it was a lack of social justice; Ezekiel ( 2 Pent, Lev 11: 10 | the rivers, all those that lack either fins or scales are 3 Pent, Num 5: 13 | impurity remains unproved for lack of a witness who might have 4 Pent, Num 14: 28(3) | cf Numbers 14:2. Their lack of faith and of confidence 5 Pent, Deu 8: 9 | stint and where you will lack nothing, a land whose stones 6 Pent, Deu 14: 10 | 10 ~but all those that lack either fins or scales you 7 Pent, Jud 5: 14(3) | Asher are chided for their lack of co-operation. The more 8 Pent, Jud 18: 7 | quiet and trusting, with no lack of any natural resources. 9 His, 1Kin Int | reported-above all, his fidelity or lack of fidelity to Yahweh. The 10 His, 1Kin 11: 22 | said to him, "What do you lack with me, that you are seeking 11 His, Jdt 8: 9 | people, discouraged by their lack of water, had spoken against 12 His, 2Mac 13: 21(7) | secrets: probably about the lack of provisions in the besieged 13 WisdB, Job 4: 11 | The old lion perishes for lack of prey, and the cubs of 14 WisdB, Job 36: 12 | they perish; they die for lack of knowledge. ~ 15 WisdB, Job 36: 12(2) | serving God, which they lack because they refused it 16 WisdB, Psa 23: 1 | shepherd; there is nothing I lack. ~ 17 WisdB, Psa 34: 11 | those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. ~ 18 WisdB, Psa 44: 19(3) | defeat was not caused by its lack of fidelity.~ 19 WisdB, Pro 5: 23 | 23 ~He will die from lack of discipline, through the 20 WisdB, Pro 11: 14 | 14 ~For lack of guidance a people falls; 21 WisdB, Pro 13: 23 | but some men perish for lack of a law court. ~ 22 WisdB, Pro 26: 20 | 20 ~For lack of wood, the fire dies out; 23 WisdB, Ecc 8: 13 | his shadowy days, for his lack of reverence toward God. ~ 24 WisdB, Ecc 10: 3 | through the street, in his lack of understanding he calls 25 WisdB, Son 7: 3 | round bowl~that should never lack for mixed wine.~Your body 26 WisdB, Sir 13: 8 | presumptuous; be not as those who lack sense. ~ 27 WisdB, Sir 19: 24 | 24 ~Even though his lack of strength keeps him from 28 WisdB, Sir 22: 13 | and not be wearied by his lack of sense. ~ 29 WisdB, Sir 30: 1(1) | offspring (Sirach 30:1-6). Lack of discipline and overindulgence 30 WisdB, Sir 37: 30 | 30 ~Through lack of self-control many have 31 WisdB, Sir 42: 20 | No understanding does he lack; no single thing escapes 32 ProphB, Isa 24: 11 | streets they cry out for lack of wine; all joy has disappeared 33 ProphB, Isa 50: 2 | desert; Their fish rot for lack of water, and die of thirst. ~ 34 ProphB, Jer 7: 32 | Valley of Slaughter. For lack of space, Topheth will be 35 ProphB, Jer 19: 11 | shall be a burial place, for lack of place to bury elsewhere. ~ 36 ProphB, Jer 33: 17 | LORD: Never shall David lack a successor on the throne 37 ProphB, Lam 1: 4 | roads to Zion mourn for lack of pilgrims going to her 38 ProphB, Bar 3: 28 | 28 ~They perished for lack of prudence, perished through 39 ProphB, Eze 34: 5 | they were scattered for lack of a shepherd, and became 40 ProphB, Eze 34: 8 | for every wild beast, for lack of a shepherd; because my 41 Gosp, Mat Int | Jesus complains of the lack of faith of "this generation" 42 Gosp, Mat 13: 6 | scorched, and it withered for lack of roots. ~ 43 Gosp, Mat 13: 54(28)| amazement at his townspeople's lack of faith.~ 44 Gosp, Mat 13: 58 | deeds there because of their lack of faith. ~ ~ ~ 45 Gosp, Mat 17: 17(15)| appear that the charge of lack of faith could not be made 46 Gosp, Mat 19: 20 | observed. What do I still lack?" ~ 47 Gosp, Mat 23: 25(14)| word here translated means lack of self-control, whether 48 Gosp, Mat 25: 2(3) | distinguished by good deeds and lack of them, and such deeds 49 Gosp, Mar 4: 6 | scorched and it withered for lack of roots. ~ 50 Gosp, Mar 5: 35(10)| faith contrasts with the lack of faith of the crowd.~ 51 Gosp, Mar 6: 5(5) | effect because of a person's lack of faith.~ 52 Gosp, Mar 6: 6 | He was amazed at their lack of faith. He went around 53 Gosp, Mar 9: 14(6) | response Jesus exposes their lack of trust in God (Mark 4: 54 Gosp, Mar 9: 14(6) | Mark 4:19) and scores their lack of prayer (Mark 4:29), i.e., 55 Gosp, Mar 9: 33(8) | commentary on the disciples' lack of understanding (Mark 9: 56 Gosp, Luk 8: 6 | it grew, it withered for lack of moisture. ~ 57 Gosp, Joh 1: 1(2) | communication with another. Was God: lack of a definite article with " 58 Gosp, Act 23: 26(7) | citizen and asserts the lack of evidence that he is guilty 59 NTLet, Rom 10: 1(1) | 1-13] Despite Israel's lack of faith in God's act in 60 NTLet, 1Cor 7: 5 | not tempt you through your lack of self-control. ~ 61 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 42(20)| existence (corruptibility, lack of glory, weakness). After: 62 NTLet, 2Cor Int | tone of the letter, its lack of order, and our ignorance 63 NTLet, 2Cor Int | Scholars have noticed a lack of continuity in this document. 64 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 2(4) | as such except by faith. Lack of empirical evidence of 65 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 11(9) | 11-12] Paul rejects lack of affection as his motive ( 66 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 21(15)| there mentioned, that of lack of boldness, accepting the 67 NTLet, 1Tim 3: 1(1) | the note on Titus 1:5-9) lack certain functions reserved 68 NTLet, Heb 3: 19 | they could not enter for lack of faith. ~ ~ ~ 69 CathL, 1Pet 1: 14(8) | Peter 1:14) was their former lack of knowledge of God, leading 70 CathL, 1Joh 2: 19(10)| teachers only proved their lack of faith by leaving the