Your Most Reverend Excellency,
The Supreme Pontiff continues to follow with apprehension the drama of the Peoples of Romania, hit by torrential rains that have caused deaths, devastation and serious damage in this Country.
He charges you, Your Excellency, to express to the civil and religious Authorities his grief and his spiritual closeness in this sorrowful emergency that has struck a Nation so dear to him.
His Holiness raises fervent prayers for the repose of the souls of all who have lost their lives in this disaster and assures those who are suffering because of the death of their loved ones, who are homeless or who have been forced to leave their possessions and are now in serious difficulty, the assurance of his remembrance in prayer to the Lord.
With these sentiments, as a comfort the Holy Father invokes from God consolation and support for these brothers and sisters and, as a sign of his affection, sends them a special Apostolic Blessing.
I make the most of this opportunity to assure you of my highest esteem.
Yours most devotedly in the Lord.
Cardinal Angelo Sodano
Secretary of State
*L'Osservatore Romano. Weekly Edition in English n°30 p.2.