2001 |
2001, June 7-9 Vatican City |
II° Riunione dei Direttori Nazionali della Pastorale del Turismo d'Europa Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti |
2001, September 27 |
World Tourism Day Tourism: a means of peace and dialogue between Civilisations |
2001, October 1-5 Köln, Germany |
103° General Assembly of A.I.T. Alliance Internationale de Tourisme |
2001, October 10-13 Fatima, Portugal |
IV° International Meeting of the Shrines and Pilgrimages Towns Foot pilgrimage: from the past to the future. Shrine Our Lady of Fatima |
2001, October 19-23 Campello - Alicante, Spain |
XX Asamblea de Pastoral de Turismo Perspectivas de la Pastoral del Turismo del siglo XXI Conferencia Episcopal Española, Departimentode Pastoral de Turismo |
2001, November 15-17 Ravenna, Italy |
Convegno sulla Pastorale del Turismo e Tempo libero Viaggiare e accogliere. Per un turismo dei valori |
2001, November 19-23 Nantes, France |
Yearly Meeting of ANDDP L'ANDDP à l'aube du 3° millénaire Association Nationale Directeurs Diocésains de Pèlerinages |
2001, November 30 Morgins, Switzerland |
Rencontre de la Pastorale du Tourisme et Loisirs du Valais Romand |