The Holy See
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Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People of the Sea
Activities 2001


2001, January 29 - 31

Vatican City

AOS Regional Coordinators Meeting

Apostleship of the Sea

2001, February 26-28

Roma, Italy

Committee on Fisheries

Food and Alimentation Organization

2001, March 4-11


AOS Africa-Indian Ocean Regional Conference

Apostleship of the Sea

2001, April 27-28


Roma, Italy

Seminario Nazionale degli Operatori di Pastorale marittima e aeroportuale

Porti e Aeroporti: crocevia di culture e di fedi

Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, Fondazione Migrantes

2001, May 5-7

Roma, Italy

Executive Committee Meeting ICMA

International Catholic Maritime Association

2001, May 15-18

Odessa, Ukraine

AOS Seminar

Apostleship of the Sea

2001, June 4-6

Corpus Christi, U.S.A.

NAMMA Meeting and Apostolatus Maris U.S.-Canada Meeting

North American Maritima Ministry Association

2001, June 8-12

Larnaca, Cyprus

I° ICMA Mediterranean Conference

International Christian Maritime Association

2001, June 25-29

Gdynia, Poland

ICMA Baltic Conference

International Christian Maritime Association

2001, October 2-7

Adelaïde, Australia

AOS Oceania Regional Conference

Apostleship of the Sea

2001, October 8-15

Davao, Philippines

OAS South Asia Regional Conference

Apostleship of the Sea

2001, October 18

Amsterdam, Netherlands

ICMA Executive Committee Meeting

International Christian Maritime Association

2001, October 22-25

Southampton, Great Britain

AOS Europe Regional Meeting

Apostleship of the Sea