The Holy See
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 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People on the Move

N° 110, August 2009



p. 3

Parola del Santo Padre – From the Holy Father



p. 17

Le religiose in rete contro la tratta

S.E. Mons. Antonio Maria VEGLIÒ

p. 23

Immigrati: aspetti economici, sociali e religiosi

S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

p. 31

Youth Migration and the Role of the Church in West Africa

Msgr. Novatus RUGAMBWA



p. 49

on Migration

p. 95

on Tourism and Pilgrimages

p. 101

on Pastoral Care of the Road/Street



for Migration:

p. 111

Message to the Participants at the Symposium on Polish Migrants

p. 114

Italian Immigration Law: for the Common Good?

Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO

p. 118

Celebrazione del centenario della Missione Cattolica Italiana di Olten Schönenwerd (Svizzera)

Monsignor Novatus RUGAMBWA

p. 122

Communiqué issued at the end of the 12th Plenary Assembly of the Association of Episcopal Conferences of Anglophone West Africa

p. 129

Comunicado del encuentro de Obispos católicos responsables de la pastoral de migrantes en America Central, Mexico, Canada y los Estados Unidos

p. 133

Communiqué de la conférence des évêques de France

p. 134

Nota de la comisión episcopal española de migraciones sobre las propuestas legales que afectan a los inmigrantes

for Refugees:

p. 137

Visit to Aida Refugee Camp in Palestine

Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI

p. 140

Vale la pena luchar para que no haya más esclavitud

Cardenal Jorge Mario BERGOGLIO, S.J.

p. 142

Sulla dignità non si tratta

S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

for the Apostleship of the Sea:

p. 149

Message of the Pontifical Council for Sea Sunday (pour la Dimanche de la Mer, per la Domenica del Mare, para el Domingo del Mar)

for Tourism  and Pilgrimages:

p. 159 Mensaje a los Participantes del V congreso internacional de Ciudades-Santuario

p. 162

Acogida de públicos diferenciados en lugares sagrados

Rev. José Jaime Brosel GAVILÁ

p. 170

Mensaje a los participantes del V Foro Europeo de Turismo Social

for Civil Aviation

p. 175

Message to the Participants in the Annual Meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Airport Chaplains

for the International Students:

p. 179

Message to the Members of S.E.C.I.S. gathered for their Annual Meeting in Bonn 



p. 185

S.E.C.I.S. General Assembly and Conference 2009

Mons. Jeremy FAIRHEAD

p. 187

Annual Meeting of the U.S. National Conference of Catholic Airport Chaplains

Ms. Nilda CASTRO

