p. 3 |
Parola del Santo Padre From the Holy Father |
p. 17 |
Le religiose in rete contro la tratta S.E. Mons. Antonio Maria VEGLIÒ |
p. 23 |
Immigrati: aspetti economici, sociali e religiosi S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO |
p. 31 |
Youth Migration and the Role of the Church in West Africa Msgr. Novatus RUGAMBWA |
p. 49 |
on Migration |
p. 95 |
on Tourism and Pilgrimages |
p. 101 |
on Pastoral Care of the Road/Street |
DocumentaTion |
for Migration: |
p. 111 |
Message to the Participants at the Symposium on Polish Migrants |
p. 114 |
Italian Immigration Law: for the Common Good? Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO |
p. 118 |
Celebrazione del centenario della Missione Cattolica Italiana di Olten Schönenwerd (Svizzera) Monsignor Novatus RUGAMBWA |
p. 122 |
Communiqué issued at the end of the 12th Plenary Assembly of the Association of Episcopal Conferences of Anglophone West Africa |
p. 129 |
Comunicado del encuentro de Obispos católicos responsables de la pastoral de migrantes en America Central, Mexico, Canada y los Estados Unidos |
p. 133 |
Communiqué de la conférence des évêques de France |
p. 134 |
Nota de la comisión episcopal española de migraciones sobre las propuestas legales que afectan a los inmigrantes |
for Refugees: |
p. 137 |
Visit to Aida Refugee Camp in Palestine Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI |
p. 140 |
Vale la pena luchar para que no haya más esclavitud Cardenal Jorge Mario BERGOGLIO, S.J. |
p. 142 |
Sulla dignità non si tratta S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO |
for the Apostleship of the Sea: |
p. 149 |
Message of the Pontifical Council for Sea Sunday (pour la Dimanche de la Mer, per la Domenica del Mare, para el Domingo del Mar) |
for Tourism and Pilgrimages: |
p. 159 |
Mensaje a los Participantes del V congreso internacional de Ciudades-Santuario |
p. 162 |
Acogida de públicos diferenciados en lugares sagrados Rev. José Jaime Brosel GAVILÁ |
p. 170 |
Mensaje a los participantes del V Foro Europeo de Turismo Social |
for Civil Aviation |
p. 175 |
Message to the Participants in the Annual Meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Airport Chaplains |
for the International Students: |
p. 179 |
Message to the Members of S.E.C.I.S. gathered for their Annual Meeting in Bonn |
p. 185 |
S.E.C.I.S. General Assembly and Conference 2009 Mons. Jeremy FAIRHEAD |
p. 187 |
Annual Meeting of the U.S. National Conference of Catholic Airport Chaplains Ms. Nilda CASTRO |