Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People People on the Move N° 104, August 2007 Statement of the Executive Directors of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) and the Leadersbp Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) on the failure of Congress to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform (U.S.A.) 5 July 2007 In the name of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the Conference of Major. Superiors of Men, we express deep regret that the Congress has failed to approve comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The status quo is morally unacceptable, as millions of immigrants are relegated again to the shadows in our nation. We acknowledge the need to protect our borders, but insist that comprehensive immigration reform must also include a path to citizenship, family reunification, and protection of workers' rights, as called for by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. While the bill in the Senate was flawed, we regret that the process of coming to just and moral immigration reform was interrupted. We urge the Congress of the United States to take up much-needed immigration reform at the earliest possible date. Waiting until after the 2008 elections is not an option. Sister Carole Slunnick, SSND Executive Director Leadershil , Conference of Women Religious Rev. Paul Lininger, OFM Conv. Executive Director Conference of Major Superiors of Men |