Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People People on the Move N° 100, April 2006 Geographical Index Africa Yopougon Congress and reports, 1986: 51 (1988) 12-92. In South A., culture and faith connected with popular piety: 51 (1988) 131-132. South A. and the pastoral care of migrants: 51 (1988) 210-223. The pastoral care for refugees in → Asia and A.: 58 (1991) 85-89. Report of the regional meeting of the Apostleship of the Sea of West and Central A.: 64 (1994) 77-80. Migrants and refugees in West A.: 64 (1994) 81-87. Refugees in the international year of the family: a view from Eastern A.: 66 (1994) 9-15. 1998 Maputo Consultation for a more coordinated pastoral response to the refugee crisis in A.: 76 (1998) 93-94. Final document of the 1998 Consultation for a better pastoral response to the refugee crisis in A.: 77 (1998) 115-121. The three Consultations of 1998 to promote a more coordinated response to the refugee crisis in A.: 79 (1999) 3-12. Final conclusions of the three Consultations of 1998 to promote a more coordinated pastoral response to the refugee crisis in A.: 79 (1999) 91-104. A. refugees at the fence of → Europe: 82 (2000) 48-50. Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the pastoral care of migration in A.: 85 (2001) 93-101. Analysis of migration flows in A., → Europe, → Asia and the Pacific and → America: 91-92 (2003) 47-55. The pastoral care of human mobility in A.: 91-92 (2003) 305-322. The situation and challenges of the pastoral care of migrants and refugees in A. submitted to the V World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 67-70. Pastoral experience of the Jesuit Refugee Service in A.: 93 (2003) 243-245. Testimony about human promotion in A., submitted to a Round Table of the V World Congress for the pastoral care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 313-317. Tourism industry in East A. in view of its pastoral care: 96 Suppl. (2004) 99-102. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 119. America Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the pastoral care of migration in A., enlightened by the post-synod document Ecclesia in America: 85 (2001) 103-109. Pastoral experiences of a missionary dedicated to the pastoral care of migrants in → South A.: 87 (2001) 201-204. Synthesis of reports from → North A. and → South A. National Episcopal Commissions for Migrants: 88-89 (2002) 45-50. Analysis of migration flows in → Africa, → Europe, → Asia and the Pacific and A.: 91-92 (2003) 47-55. Challenges and perspectives of the pastoral care of human mobility in A.: 91-92 (2003) 323-335. Final document of the 2005 Regional Conference of the Apostleship of the Sea of → North A. and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 279-282. Angola News, reflections and perspectives concerning A.: 80 (1999) 29-35. Argentina A., Message for Migration Day, with Liturgical guide: 51 (1988) 94-152. A., the Church and the social phenomenon of migrations: 51 (1988) 118-138. and the history of migration: 51 (1988) 120-124. Tourism and pilgrimages in A.: 55 (1990) 66-70. Pastoral care of tourism at Mar del Plata: 57 (1991) 119-124. Ad liminavisits of the Bishops of A. and → Brazil: 67 (1995) 97-99. Appeal in favour of Street Children in A.: 99 (2005) 369-372. Asia The pastoral care for refugees in A. and → Africa: 58 (1991) 85-89. Role of the Church in the context of migration in A.: 63 (1993) 9-33. Final statement of the symposium on Filipino migrant workers in A.: 63 (1993) 95-106. Final document of the Asian Consultation on Tourism: 69 (1995) 47-56. Final document of the Second Consultation for the pastoral care of migrants in A.: 71 (1996) 65-68. Pastoral strategies promoted and undertaken by the participants to the Second Consultation on the pastoral care of migrants in A.: 71 (1996) 69-72. Report of the 1996 Manila Convention on migrations in countries of East A.: 71 (1996) 85-90. The situation of refugees in A., presented to the Second Consultation on the pastoral care of migrants in A.: 71 (1996) 91-100. Seafarers of A. belonging to different religious traditions meet Christianity: 80 (1999) 3-10. Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the pastoral care of migration in A. and the Pacific: 85 (2001) 77-91. The role of shrines at the service of evangelisation in A.: 88-89 (2002) 349-353. Analysis of migration flows in → Africa, → Europe, A. and the Pacific and → America: 91-92 (2003) 47-55. Reality, needs and challenges of the pastoral care of human mobility in A.: 91-92 (2003) 337-350. The situation and challenges of the pastoral care of migrants and refugees in A. and the Pacific submitted to the V World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 49-53. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in South A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 123-124. Street Children in A., and particularly in the → Philippines: 98 Suppl. (2005) 52-62. Australia Message for Migration Day: 51 (1988) 154-155. Tourism in A.: 57 (1991) 137-140. Immigration report 1993-1994 of the Australian Federal Catholic Immigration Committee: 67 (1995) 77-80. Report from A. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 57-58. Testimony of the multicultural pastoral care of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, A.: 93 (2003) 169-172. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 119-120. Message from the Catholic Bishops Conference of A. on Asylum Seekers and Refugees: 97 (2005) 173-176. Austria Bishops of A. and the social assistance of refugees and asylum seekers: 53 (1989) 44-47. The presence of the Church at the B.I.T. in A.: 54 (1989) 237. Balkans Testimony about reconciliation in the B., submitted to a Round Table of the V World Congress for the pastoral care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 303-306. Bangladesh The pastoral care of Gypsies in B.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 256-257. Belgium The pastoral care of Gypsies in B.: 56 (1990) 196-202; 93 Suppl. (2003) 258-260. Declaration of the Bishops Conference of B. concerning migrants and refugees and the Churchs commitment: 72 (1996) 103-118. Specific pastoral structures for Foreign Students in B.: 72 (1996) 121-125. The pastoral care of tourism in B.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 219-229. The pastoral care of circus and travelling show people in B. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International Congress on the pastoral care of circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 61-66. Bilbao The Bishop of B. and his Auxiliary address a Pastoral Letter entitled The Third World among Us: 59 (1992) 101-115. Brazil Message for Migration Day and intervention of the Bishop of Santos at the XVIII International Congress of the Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 51 (1988) 158-184. The pastoral care of Gypsies in B.: 56 (1990) 203-206; 93 Suppl. (2003) 261. Bishops of B. issue a message entitled Temporary Migrants: a challenge to the Church and the society: 59 (1992) 117-130. Ad liminavisits of the Bishops of → Argentina and B.: 67 (1995) 97-99. Apostleship of the Road in B.: 99 (2005) 373-376. Burkina Burkina Faso B. and B. F. reports to Yopougon Congress, 1986: 51 (1988) 18-31. Cambodia Report from a visit to Cambodian refugees in → U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 186-201. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in C.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 120. Canada Pastoral message of the Bishops Conference of C. concerning welcome and integration of migrants and refugees: 61 (1993) 83-102. Key trends and developments affecting International migration to and within the New World (→ U.S.A., C. and the Southern Cone American countries and nearby states): 86 (2001) 65-74. Chile Pastoral experiences and activities of Holiday Centres in C.: 57 (1991) 171-173. The pastoral care of human mobility in C.: 58 (1991) 70-72. China Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in C.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 120-122. Congo-Brazaville Role, tasks and challenges of the National Director of the pastoral care for migrants in C.: 87 (2001) 177-188. Croatia The pastoral care of Gypsies in C.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 262-266. Cuba Cuban migrants and Christmas message from Cuban Bishops: 51 (1988) 226-230. Report of a visit to C.: 91-92 (2003) 451-453. Report of the 2nd Meeting of the Cuban Commission for the pastoral care of human mobility: 94 (2004) 233-238. Czech Republic C. migrants abroad and pastoral care: 51 (1988) 205-208. The migration project of Raphaels-Werk for → Poland, → Slovak Republic and C.: 68 (1995) 31-46. The pastoral care of Gypsies in C.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 267-268. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in → Germany and C.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 122. Egypt Tourism in the Middle East, particularly in E.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 195-196. England and Wales (cf also Great Britain) The pastoral care of Gypsies in E. and W.: 56 (1990) 214-217. Europe (European Union) Pastoral care of tourism in E.: 58 (1991) 95-102. The growth of tourism in E. and some related issues: 61 (1993) 67-79. The Church facing irregular immigrants in E. and related issues: 63 (1993) 35-44. Report of the Meeting of the Bishops in charge of the pastoral care of migrants in European countries: 63 (1993) 113-116. Final document of a meeting concerning irregular immigrants in E.: 65 (1994) 57-66. Marriages between Christians and Muslims as a new pastoral experience for the Church in E.: 66 (1994) 19-34. Women and migration in E.: 69 (1995) 9-19. The commitment of the Church in E. in favour of migrants, victims of violence: 69 (1995) 73-77; 91-92 (2003) 295-303. Immigration and asylum policies in E.: 70 (1996) 21-47. Perspectives towards a common E. policy dealing with migrants and asylum seekers: 70 (1996) 34-37. Family unification in the legal framework of E. and of international Law: 70 (1996) 49-66. E. and the challenges of immigrant youth: 71 (1996) 41-51. Pastoral challenges towards welcome and integration of immigrants in E.: 73 (1997) 123-131; 91-92 (2003) 295-303. Pastoral reflections concerning refugee law in the EU at the turn of the century: 82 (2000) 41-54. → African refugees at the fence of E.: 82 (2000) 48-50. The migration of Muslims in E. and religious pluralism: 85 (2001) 3-18. Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the pastoral care of migration in E.: 85 (2001) 111-114. The connexion between culture and globalisation, especially concerning E.: 86 (2001) 22-25. Spiritual hints concerning the airport chaplaincies in E.: 86 (2001) 57-62. Welcome speech to the Third European Meeting of Catholic Airport Chaplains and Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 99-102. Report of the Third European Meeting of Catholic Airport Chaplains and Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 103-106. Commitments of the Church in E. towards migrations: 87 (2001) 101-111; 91-92 (2003) 295-303. Appeal to the EU to welcome immigrants and protect people in danger: 87 (2001) 205-206. Comments on the communication of the European Commission Towards a common asylum procedure and a uniform status, valid throughout the Union, for persons granted asylum: 87 (2001) 207-215. Contribution to the debate on the communication of the European Commission on a Community Immigration Policy: 87 (2001) 215-227. Labour movement and emigration in E.: 90 (2002) 139-149. Church and university in E.: 90 (2002) 203-205. Analysis of migration flows in → Africa, E., → Asia and the Pacific and → America: 91-92 (2003) 47-55. Proceedings of the First European Meeting of National Directors of the Apostolate of the Road: 91-92 (2003) 175-211. Final document of the First European Meeting of National Directors of the Apostolate of the Road: 91-92 (2003) 201-208. Report of the IV European Seminar for Catholic Civil Aviation Chaplains and Chaplaincy Members: 91-92 (2003) 227-230. The Charta cumenica of the Churches in E.: 91-92 (2003) 231-240. International migrations in E.: 91-92 (2003) 273-276.295-303. From welcome to solidarity in the context of migrations in E.: 91-92 (2003) 277-285. Final document of the 2002 European Meeting of the Catholic Portuguese-speaking (→ Portugal) Missions: 91-92 (2003) 415-416. The situation and challenges of the pastoral care of migrants and refugees in E. submitted to the V World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 71-74. Pastoral care of human mobility, and foreign students in particular, in the Universities of E.: 94 (2004) 69-79. Intercultural integration analysed as a challenge for Christian E.: 97 (2005) 29-39. Report of the Exodus Meeting on Non-Access, Refoulement and Deportation in E.s Airports: 97 (2005) 199-204. Testimony of a European pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela held in April 2004: 97 Suppl. (2005) 53-59. The role of pilgrimages in the process of integration of E.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 79-88. France Documents of the Episcopal Conference of F.: 51 (1988) 232-272. History of immigration and pastoral care for migrants in F.: 51 (1988) 241-262. Structures of the pastoral care of migrants in F.: 51 (1988) 250-259. Missions and aumôneries ethniques in F.: 51 (1988) 257-258. Pastoral of tourism in F.: 55 (1990) 71-82. The pastoral care of Gypsies in F.: 56 (1990) 207-209; 93 Suppl. (2003) 278-280. The Church in F. and Foreign Students from developing countries: 72 (1996) 145-150. Report from F. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 54-56. Statement of the Episcopal Commission for migrations of F. concerning Welcoming asylum seekers: 88-89 (2002) 283-288. Inter-religious experience of the Italian Catholic Mission in F.: 93 (2003) 163-167. Role, challenges and tasks of Portuguese (→ Portugal) Communities in the Church of F.: 94 (2004) 177-180. Testimony of support offered by the monks of the Conques Abbey, in F., to pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela: 97 Suppl. (2005) 75-78. Pastoral experiences of pastoral agents serving Street Children in → India, in → Romania and in F.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82. The pastoral care of circus and travelling show people in F. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International Congress on the pastoral care of circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 67-70. Germany Documents of the Bishops Conference of G. dealing with human mobility: 51 (1988) 274-298. Refugees in G.: 51 (1988) 286-294. Tourists in G.: 51 (1988) 288-294; 96 Suppl. (2004) 213-217. Nomads in G.: 51 (1988) 288-294. Activities of the Office for the pastoral care of human mobility of G.: 55 (1990) 83-85. The pastoral care of Gypsies in G.: 51 (1988) 289-296; 56 (1990) 210-213; 93 Suppl. (2003) 269-271. Migrations in G. after its reunification: 58 (1991) 75-83. Experiences of refugees at airports in G.: 68 (1995) 9-30. Specific pastoral structures for Foreign Students in G.: 72 (1996) 127-133. Challenges to the immigration policies of industrialized countries, from the point of view of G.: 73 (1997) 97-122. Report from G. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 52-54. The evolution of the pastoral care of migrants in the Italian Catholic Missions in G., during the past fifty years: 91-92 (2003) 115-130. Commitments of the Church in G. towards migrants and refugees: 93 (2003) 159-162. Experiences of Ecumenical cooperation between the Catholic Church in G. and migrants/ refugees: 96 (2004) 107-113. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in G. and → Czech Republic: 96 Suppl. (2004) 122. Testimonies dealing with the role of pilgrimages in → Great Britain and G.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 101-110. Data, analysis and suggestions towards a renewed pastoral care of Catholic immigrants in G.: 99 (2005) 293-314. The pastoral care of circus and travelling show people in G. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International Congress on the pastoral care of circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 71-72. Ghana G. and the Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 300-326. Great Britain The pastoral care of Foreign Students in G. B.: 72 (1996) 135-143. Testimonies dealing with the role of pilgrimages in G. B. and → Germany: 97 Suppl. (2005) 101-110. Honduras Testimony about the pastoral care of migrants in H., submitted to a Round Table of the V World Congress for the pastoral care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 235-238. Hungary The pastoral care of Gypsies in H.: 56 (1990) 242-245. Report of a visit to H.: 86 (2001) 107-108. India Data, causes and consequences concerning internal migration in I.: 62 (1993) 71-91. Maritime fishing in I. and the Apostleship of the Sea: 65 (1994) 71-72. Pastoral care of Syro-Malabar migrants in I. and abroad: 71 (1996) 125-131. Report from I. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 59. Pastoral care for nomads, particularly Bhils and other tribes, in I.: 88-89 (2002) 161-179. Data and conditions of life of Gypsies in I.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 28-30 and 50-52. The pastoral care of Gypsies in I.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 281-288. Religious, cultural and social dimensions of tourism in I. according to the case study of Goa, involving the Churchs role: 96 Suppl. (2004) 91-97. Pastoral experiences of pastoral agents serving Street Children in I., in → Romania and in → France: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82. Indonesia Bishops of I. address a Pastoral Letter on tourism: 59 (1992) 131-136. Family issues among Indonesian migrant workers in → Malaysia: 71 (1996) 109-120. Report from I. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 61-62. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in I.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 122-123. Ireland Documents of Irish Bishops on migrants: 51 (1988) 328-348. Pastoral Letter about Irish emigration of the Bishops of Western I.: 51 (1988) 328-343. The Irish Episcopal Commission for Emigrants and the refugees or boat people: 51 (1988) 344-348. The pastoral care of Gypsies in I.: 56 (1990) 218-221. History, activities and projects of the Parish of Travelling People in I.: 61 (1993) 39-54. Irish Bishops call on their Government to support immigrants: 94 (2004) 185-188. Pilgrimage Ecumenical experiences concerning the Republic of I. and Northern I.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 71-74. Italy Documents of Italian Bishops on migrants: 51 (1988) 350-361. Church and immigrants in I.: 51 (1988) 350-355. Directives and programmes of the pastoral care of tourism in I.: 55 (1990) 106-115; 96 Suppl. (2004) 201-205. The pastoral care of Gypsies in I.: 56 (1990) 222-225; 93 Suppl. (2003) 289-290. Data, conditions and related issues concerning foreign students in I.: 63 (1993) 45-62. The Church in I. facing irregular immigrants: 65 (1994) 25-38. Data, legislation and pastoral care for immigrants in I.: 72 (1996) 51-67. Pastoral commitment towards continental Italian migration of Geremia Bonomelli and Lorenz Werthmann: 73 (1997) 9-44. Religious assistance to Italian emigrants according to the vision and initiatives of Giovanni Battista Scalabrini: 75 (1997) 15-33. Data concerning mixed marriages in I.: 80 (1999) 37-44. Role and commitments of the Diocesan Director of the pastoral care for migrants in I.: 87 (2001) 189-200. Testimony about the pastoral care of migrants and refugees in Rome, submitted to a Round Table of the V World Congress for the pastoral care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 231-234. A point of view from I. concerning policies in support of social and human promotion of Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 93-145. Contemporary immigration in I.: 94 (2004) 151-154. Guidelines for the pastoral care of immigrants and related pastoral structures issued by the Bishops Conference of I.: 94 (2004) 155-163. History and Ecumenical role of the shrine of Madonna del Divino Amore in Rome: 97 Suppl. (2005) 125-131. The experience of helping Street Children in Rome: 98 Suppl. (2005) 41-46. The pastoral care of circus and travelling show people in I. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International Congress on the pastoral care of circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 73-77. Ivory Coast I. C. and migrants: 51 (1988) 32-45. Japan Data about Japanese emigration: 62 (1993) 9. Data and legislation concerning Japanese immigration: 62 (1993) 10-16. The Japanese Church facing the problems of immigration: 62 (1993) 16-22. Report from J. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 62-63. Situation and challenges of the Japanese Church facing immigration fluxes: 94 (2004) 193-199. Korea Migration fluxes related to South K.: 62 (1993) 111-113. A statement on foreign workers issued by the Justice and Peace Committee of the Catholic Bishops Conference of K.: 62 (1993) 114-116. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in K.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 123. Kosovo Situation an perspectives concerning K.: 80 (1999) 79-82. Laos Pastoral visit to Laothian refugees abroad: 51 (1988) 364-369. The Laothian family in exile: 66 (1994) 39-45. Lebanon Report from L. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 60. Testimony about the pastoral care of migrants and refugees in L., submitted to a Round Table of the V World Congress for the pastoral care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 239-242. Lithuania Spiritual assistance of L. Catholics living abroad: 51 (1988) 372-374. Luxembourg Report from L. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 51-52. Madagascar Maritime activity and presence of the Apostleship of the Sea in M.: 59 (1992) 137-142. Malaysia Family issues among → Indonesian migrant workers in M.: 71 (1996) 109-120. Mali Reports to Yopougon (→ Africa) Congress concerning M., 1986: 51 (1988) 46-59. Report concerning famine and immigrants in M.: 51 (1988) 51-56. Mauritius Report from M. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 60. Mexico Mexican Bishops documents concerning North borders: 51 (1988) 376-388. Final document of the meeting of North Mexican border Catholic Bishops, 1986: 51 (1988) 376-378. The pastoral care of tourism in M.: 55 (1990) 116-121. The pastoral care of human mobility in M.: 58 (1991) 65-70. Statement of civil organizations concerning migration fluxes from M. to the → United States of America: 71 (1996) 73-82. Joint Pastoral Letter of the Bishops Conferences of the → United States of America and M. entitled Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope: 91-92 (2003) 351-382. The pastoral care of Gypsies in M: 93 Suppl. (2003) 291-295. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in M.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 123. Statement on actions against migrants at the borders between M. and the → United States of America: 99 (2005) 321-323. Nepal Sex tourism in N. and the activities of Caritas N. to combat it: 96 Suppl. (2004) 131-136. Netherlands The pastoral care of tourism in the N.: 55 (1990) 122-126. Historical notes and pastoral care of human mobility in the N.: 59 (1992) 7-34. The pastoral care of foreign workers in the N.: 59 (1992) 15-34. Muslims and Christians in the N.: 59 (1992) 18-20. The Foreign Students Chaplaincy in the N.: 87 (2001) 47-57. New Zealand Pastoral care for migrants in N. Z.: 51 (1988) 390. Niger Situation of migrants in N.: 51 (1988) 60-62. North America Synthesis of reports from N. A. and → South America National Episcopal Commissions for Migrants: 88-89 (2002) 45-50. The situation and challenges of the pastoral care of migrants and refugees in N. A. submitted to the V World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 55-62. Final document of the 2005 Regional Conference of the Apostleship of the Sea of N. A. and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 279-282. Oceania Data and pastoral concerns of the Church for migrants and refugees in O.: 84 (2000) 8-30. Pakistan Report from P. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 59-60. Papua/New Guinea Report from P. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 58. Peru Message of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People addressed to the First International Seminar of Pastoral Agents working with Peruvians abroad: 91-92 (2003) 399-404. Philippines Message of the Bishops Conference of the P. for Migration Day: 70 (1996) 99. The role of family in the Philippine culture and the impact of migration in the spiritual and moral formation of children: 71 (1996) 9-30. Report from the P. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 58. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in the P.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 117-118. Street Children in → Asia, and particularly in the P.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 52-62. Poland Polish Bishops documents concerning migrants and tourism: 51 (1988) 398-413. The pastoral care of Gypsies in P.: 56 (1990) 230-233; 93 Suppl. (2003) 296-298. The migration project of Raphaels-Werk for P., → Slovak and → Czech Republics: 68 (1995) 31-46. Report of the First Polish Meeting on the pastoral care of refugees: 91-92 (2003) 449-450. Portugal The pastoral care of Gypsies in P.: 56 (1990) 234-237; 93 Suppl. (2003) 299-305. Report from P. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 56-57. Final document of the 2002 European Meeting of the Catholic Portuguese-speaking Missions: 91-92 (2003) 415-416. Role, challenges and tasks of Portuguese Communities in the Church of → France: 94 (2004) 177-180. Final document of the 2003 National Meeting of Diocesan Secretariats for the pastoral care of human mobility of P.: 94 (2004) 239-241. The question of Street Children and P.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 38-39. Final document of the First World Meeting of Portuguese Communities: 99 (2005) 315-317. Romania Pastoral experiences of pastoral agents serving Street Children in → India, in R. and in → France: 98 Suppl.(2005) 67-82. Senegal Internal migration in S.: 51 (1988) 63-66. Slovak Republic The migration project of Raphaels-Werk for → Poland, S. and → Czech Republic: 68 (1995) 31-46. The pastoral care of Gypsies in S.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 306-309. Slovenian Republic The pastoral care of Gypsies in S.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 310. South Africa South African Bishops Conference write about pastoral care of immigrants: 51 (1988) 502-506. South America History of the pastoral care for migrants in S. A.: 51 (1988) 210-223; 62 (1993) 25-46. Pastoral care of human mobility in S. A.: 58 (1991) 62-65. Final document of the S. A. Meeting on the pastoral care for migrants (Quito, 26-30 November 1990): 58 (1991) 115-120. The Church, Religious Orders and Religious Congregations in the context of Italian migration to S. A.: 62 (1993) 25-55. Popular religiosity and social life of Italian migrants in S. A.: 62 (1993) 36-38. Report of the seminar concerning migration in S. A.: 65 (1994) 75-78. Pastoral experiences of a missionary dedicated to the pastoral care of migrants in S. A.: 87 (2001) 201-204. Analysis and appeals concerning migration fluxes submitted to the Governors of S. A. by Catholic Organizations in-charge of the pastoral care of human mobility: 91-92 (2003) 383-389. Final document of the 3rd S. A. Conference on Migrations: 91-92 (2003) 390-394. Migration trends related to civil institutions and Church in S. A. Countries: 91-92 (2003) 395-398. The situation of migrants and refugees in S. A. submitted to the V World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees: 93 (2003) 63-66. Statement issued by the 2005 Meeting of the Apostleship of the Sea of S. A. and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 277-278. Spain The B.I.T. in S.: 54 (1989) 242-245. The pastoral care of Gypsies in S.: 56 (1990) 238-241; 93 Suppl. (2003) 272-277. Nature, role and activities of the Apostolate of the Road in S.: 91-92 (2003) 188-198. Sri Lanka Report from S. to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 60. Sudan Visits to internally displaced people camps in S. and to refugees in → Uganda: 67 (1995) 83-91. Switzerland Bishops of S. on refugees: 51 (1988) 508-523. The pastoral care of Gypsies in S.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 311-314. Message of the Bishops Conference of S. concerning welcoming migrants: 99 (2005) 325-327. Taiwan Pastoral care for refugees in T.: 53 (1989) 48-52. Vietnamese boat-people in T.: 53 (1989) 53-54. Concerns of the Church in T. towards migrants on irregular situations: 71 (1996) 101-108. Third National Migration Day in T.: 81 (1999) 93-95. Tapachula The diocese of T. and refugees: 51 (1988) 379-388. Thailand Pastoral experience of working among trafficked women in T.: 93 (2003) 247-251. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in T.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 124. The pastoral care of tourism in T.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 197-200. Togo Situation of migrants in T.: 51 (1988) 67-71. Uganda Visits to internally displaced people camps in Sudan and to refugees in U.: 67 (1995) 83-91. United States of America (U.S.A.) Documents of U.S.A. pastoral agents on migrants: 51 (1988) 416-500. Pastoral Letter of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops about the Hispanic presence in the U.S.A. as challenge and commitment, 1983: 51 (1988) 416-454. Hispanic migrants and popular religiosity in the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 446-447. Cultural pluralism in the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 455-468. History of immigration to the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 457-461. Structures and suggestions for a proper pastoral care of migrants in the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 493-498. Initiatives for young refugees and the safeguard of vocations among young refugees in the U.S.A.: 53 (1989) 32-36. Hispanic migration experience in the U.S.A.: 54 (1989) 121-125. Statement of the U.S.A. Bishops Conference on solidarity towards immigrants and refugees: 63 (1993) 91-93. Statement of civil organizations concerning migration fluxes from → Mexico to the U.S.A.: 71 (1996) 73-82. Greetings to the U.S.A. Bishops Conference at their annual General Meeting in Washington, D.C.: 84 (2000) 67-68. Key trends and developments affecting International migration to and within the New World (U.S.A., → Canada and the Southern Cone American countries and nearby states): 86 (2001) 65-74. Pastoral care of foreign students in the U.S.A.: 88-89 (2002) 319-323. Address and homily on the occasion of the workshop for Pilgrimage Coordinators and Shrine Directors from the Dioceses of the U.S.A.: 91-92 (2003) 243-251. Joint Pastoral Letter of the Bishops Conferences of the U.S.A. and → Mexico entitled Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope: 91-92 (2003) 351-382. The pastoral care of Gypsies in the U.S.A.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 315-316. Data and pastoral concerns of the Dioceses of the U.S.A. towards the pastoral care of human mobility: 94 (2004) 171-175. Sex tourism and trafficking of women and children in the U.S.A: 96 Suppl. (2004) 118-119. The pastoral care of tourism in the U.S.A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 211-212. Directions in catechesis with immigrants in the U.S.A.: 97 (2005) 185-190. Statement on actions against migrants at the borders between → Mexico and the U.S.A.: 99 (2005) 321-323. Interventions concerning migration fluxes at the borders of the U.S.A.: 99 (2005) 343-348. Hospitality of the Church in the U.S.A. towards circus and travelling show people: 99 Supp. (2005) 87-95. Yugoslavia The pastoral care of Gypsies in Y.: 56 (1990) 226-229. |