MONDAY, 20th September 2004 Messages: |
pp. 7 |
Messaggio Telegrafico del Papa Giovanni Paolo II |
pp. 8 |
Telegramma di risposta del Sig. Cardinale Stephen Fumio Hamao |
pp. 9 |
Greetings to the Participants Cardinal Stephen Fumio HAMAO |
Address to the Congress: |
pp. 13 |
Grußwort des Bürgermeisters Herrn Heinz PAAL |
Opening Speech: |
pp. 17 |
Ecumenism of Holiness Pilgrimage at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Pastoral Reflections Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO |
Tuesday, 21st September 2004 Conferences: |
pp. 31 |
Spiritual Ecumenism: The Inescapable Way Forward H.E. Msgr. Brian FARRELL, L.C. |
pp. 43 |
Cinquante ans Pèlerinage Ocuméniques: Témoignage et Réflexion R.P. René BEAUPERE, O.P. |
Testimonies: |
pp. 53 |
European Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela (April 2004) Rev. Msgr. Noël TREANOR |
pp. 61 |
Wiederbelebung des Pilgerns im Geist der Ökumene Domvikar Reinhard KÜRZINGER |
pp. 67 |
Ökumenische Aspekte eines Marienwallfahrtsortes im Grenzland Prälat Richard SCHULTE STAADE |
pp. 71 |
Ecumenism of Holiness Pilgrimage at the Beginning of the Third Millennium H.E. Msgr. Séamus HEGARTY |
pp. 75 |
Sur le Chemin de Compostelle Frère Joël HOUQUE |
pp. 79 |
Les Pèlerinages comme un facteur dintégration de lEurope Prof. Antoni JACKOWSKI et Dr Izabella SOŁJAN |
WEDNESDAY, 22nd September 2004 Testimonies: |
pp. 91 |
Der Ökumenismus der Heiligkeit (Erfahrungen aus Trondheim/Nidaros) S.Exz. Msgr. Georg MÜLLER |
pp. 97 |
Sur les pas de lApôtre Paul Archimandrite Spyridôn KATRAMADON |
pp. 101 |
Pilgrimage and Hospitality Rev. Keith JONES |
pp. 105 |
Pilgrimage 2000 Pastor Paul Martin CLOTZ |
THURSDAY, 23rd September 2004 Testimonies: |
pp. 113 |
Pellegrinaggi con gli Zingari, incontro di culture S.E. Mons. Szilárd KERESZTES |
pp. 117 |
The Experience and Pastoral Projects of the Shrine of Fatima in an Ecumenical Environment Rev. Msgr. Luciano GOMES GUERRA |
pp. 125 |
Il Santuario della Madonna del Divino Amore in Roma Rev. Mons. Pasquale SILLA |
pp. 133 |
Solidaritätsgebet der europäischen Wallfahrtsorte zur geistlichen Einstimmung auf das XX. Weltjugendtreffen (WJT) 2005 in Köln Kaplan Marc TRAUTMANN |
pp. 139 |
Final Statement |
pp. 145 |
Communiqué Final |
pp. 151 |
Comunicato Finale |
pp. 157 |
Schlusserklärung |
pp. 165 |
Comunicado Final |
* * * |
pp. 173 |
List of Participants |