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Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People on the Move

N° 87, December 2001

Table of Contents

53° Giornata Mondiale del Migrante e del Rifugiato 2002
53° Jornada Mundial del Emigrante del año 2002
53° Journée Mondiale du Migrant et du Réfugié (2002)
53° World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2002

Message de Sa Sainteté le Pape Jean-Paul II pour la LXXXVIIème Journée Mondiale du Migrant et du Réfugié (2002)

Presentation of the Pontifical Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2002
Archbishop Stephen Fumio HAMAO

Migrazioni e Dialogo Interreligioso
Rev. P. Angelo NEGRINI, C.S.

Immigration and Inter-Religious Dialogue
Msgr. Felix A. Machado

  1. Articles

Le Pèlerin de l'ann 2000 interpelle l'Église
Père Philippe GOFFINET
[Italian summary, English summary]

Apostleship of the Sea in a new Globalised World
Rev. Fr. Gérard Tronche, M.Afr.
[French summary, Spanish summary]

The International Student Chaplaincy in The Netherlands
[Italian summary, German summary]

Il fenomeno migratorio oggi
Rev. P. Angelo NEGRINI, C.S.
[French summary, English summary]

Dove io, di carnevale, chiedo alla Madonna un miracolo
Don Giuseppe DE LUCA
(introdotto da S.E. Mons. Agostino Marchetto)

A House of Stories
Rev. Fr. Frans THOOLEN, S.M.A.

  1. Documentation

Du Discours du Saint-Père pour les voeux au Corps Diplomatique

Il Vescovo servitore del vangelo di Gesù Cristo per la speranza del mondo
S.E. Mons. Stephen Fumio HAMAO

Chiesa, Europa e Migrazioni
S.E. Mons. Stephen Fumio HAMAO

Refugees and Immigrants: Today and Tomorrow
S.E. Mons. Stephen Fumio HAMAO

An Open Letter from the new Secretary
S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

Solidarity with Refugees and Displaces People

Relationship between Migratory Movements and Refugee Protection
S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

"Verso il 24 gennaio. La dimensione pellegrinante"
S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

World Meeting on the Pastoral Care of Migrants

La Pastorale dei Migranti e le sue strutture secondo i documenti delle Chiesa
Rev. P. Velasio De PAOLIS, C.S.

The Responsability of a Diocesan Bishop in the Pastoral Care of Migrants
Bishop Ramon C. ARGÜELLES

Le rôle du Directeur National de la Pastorale des Migrants
Rev. P. Abraham-Roch OKOKO-ESSEAU, S.J.

Il compito del Direttore Diocesano della Pastorale Migratoria nella Chiesa Italiana
Rev. P. Bruno MIOLI, C.S.

El Misionero para los Emigrantes
Rev. P. Ildo GRIZ, C.S.

Churches: EU must welcome immigrants, protect people in danger

Comments on the Communication by the Commission "Towards a common asylum procedure and a uniform status, valid throughout the Union, for persons granted asylum"

Contribution to the Debate on the Communication by the Commission on a Community Immigration Policy
