The Holy See
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Rocca di Papa, May 31 - June 2, 2006

The beauty of being a Christian
and the joy of communicating this

“There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him” (Benedict XVI, Homily April 24, 2005)

Tuesday, May 30

15:00 Arrival and registration of participants

19:30 Dinner

Wednesday, May 31

8:30 Eucharistic Celebration
Presided by Archbishop Stanislaw Rylko

9:30 Introduction
Archbishop Stanislaw Rylko

10:00 Lecture
Christ, the most beautiful among the sons of Adam
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, O.P.

10:45 Break

11:00 Panel Discussion
Encountering the beauty of Christ: a formation itinerary
-Alba Sgariglia, Focolare Movement
-Kiko Argüello, Neocatecumenal Way
-Giancarlo Cesana, Communion and Liberation
-Patti Mansfield, Catholic Charismatic Renewal
-Rev. Laurent Fabre, Chemin Neuf Community
-Jean Vanier, LÂ’Arche Communities

12:15 Additional interventions

13:00 Lunch

15:30 Work groups by language
Ecclesial maturity: a challenge and a path to follow
Charisms and educating in the beauty of Christ

18:00 Review of the work groups

19:00 Evening Prayer

19:30 Dinner

Thursday, June 1

8:30 Eucharistic Celebration
Presided by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra

9:30 Lecture
The beauty of being a Christian
Cardinal Marc Ouellet, P.S.S.

10:15 Break

10:30 Panel Discussion
Giving testimony to ChristÂ’s beauty in various spheres of todayÂ’s world
-before the “apostasy of the masses”
Vittorio Messori, journalist
-among the sects and various forms of New Age
Rev. Bernard Peyrous, Emmanuel Community
-in the relationship with Islam
Archbishop Fouad Twal, Coadjutor of Jerusalem
-in the education of youth
Luis Fernando Figari, Christian Life Movement
-in the presence of Catholics in public life
Dino Boffo, director of Avvenire
-in situations of poverty and violence
Andrea Riccardi, SantÂ’Egidio Community

12:15 Debate

13:00 Lunch

15:30 Work groups by language
Ecclesial maturity: a challenge and a path to follow
Matching our response to these various spheres of todayÂ’s world

18:00 Review of the work groups

19:00 Evening Prayer

19:30 Dinner

21:00 Evening of fellowship: recital of classical music (Trio Artemisia)

Friday, June 2nd

8:15 Morning Prayer

9:30 Lecture
Ecclesial movements and new communities in the mission of the Church: priorities and perspectives
Cardinal Angelo Scola

10:30 Open Forum

11:15 Break

11:30 Concluding remarks

12:00 Eucharistic Celebration
Presided by Bishop Josef Clemens

13:00 Lunch

From 6 p.m. onwards, the ecclesial movements and new communities will offer activities of catechesis, testimonies, and prayer in different Churches throughout Rome in preparation for the Vigil of Pentecost with the Holy Father.

