PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR THE FAMILY MEETING WITH THE CATECHISTS OF THE MUSEUM SOCIETY AND OTHER GROUPS Monday, 29 June 2009 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: “We always thank God for you all, mentioning you in our prayers continually. We remember before our God and Father how active is the faith, how unsparing the love, how persevering the hope which you have from our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess 1:2-3). Dear catechists, I have greeted you all with the words of Saint Paul in order to urge your faith, hope and love. I am very happy to meet you. I have come here as the Special Representative of the Holy Father for the closing of the Year dedicated to Saint Paul, the great Evangeliser. Indeed, the Apostle was intimately united to Christ, the only Teacher and the only Lord and Saviour. Therefore you too, as catechists, must remember that the most important thing to be had, in order to teach children and young people, is an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus, a relationship which must grow day by day. As catechists, remember also, it is your duty to keep on learning. Ongoing formation is essential if you want to be efficacious instruments of God. I strongly encourage the members of MUSEUM to take this daily ongoing formation with great commitment. I know that after teaching children, you meet, every day, to deepen your knowledge, during the Assenjatur I also encourage the other catechists, coming from other groups in the parishes or from religious movements, to remain committed to formation and to take part in the various courses organized by diocesan bodies, in particular the Kummissjoni Kateketika. Be worthy sons and daughters of Saint Paul. Be excellent messengers of the Gospel. Continue the work of that great Catechist of the Maltese People, Saint George Preca, who was described by Pope Benedict the Sixteenth during the canonization homily as “your second father in the faith”, after Saint Paul. Dear brethren, take to others the truth and love of Christ with sacrifice and with joy. This is your mission. May Almighty God bless you: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Cardinal Antonelli greeted by Catechists of the Society of Christian Doctrine, MUSEUM, founded by Saint George Preca - Monday 29th June, 2009 |