PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR THE FAMILY MEETING WITH FAMILIES Gozo, Malta 28 June 2009 Your Lordship Bishop Mario Grech, Very Reverend Parish Priest Father Tonio Galea, Reverend Priests and Religious, Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Greeting you with Saint Paul’s words I say: “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph 1:2). After a splendid journey at sea, this morning, from Saint Paul’s Bay to your Island, it is with deep joy that today I visit the dear diocese of Gozo. I thank (you) Bishop Mario Grech, for his (your) warm welcome. It is indeed a moment of grace that we are meeting here, this morning, in the parish of Munxar dedicated to the Shipwreck of Saint Paul. I am very happy to meet you, in particular, the families of Gozo. As President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, I wish to address some words of encouragement: Do not be afraid to show the beauty of the family according to God’s will: one husband united to one wife until death, and both ready to receive and to educate children. Build your families on Christ. This often means sacrifice. But sacrifice builds and strengthens the profound communion between the members of the family, becoming a source of joy, the purest and the most lasting joy there can be. Entrust yourselves to the grace of the marriage sacrament and never be discouraged by human weakness. Recall therefore, the practical exhortation of Saint Paul to the Colossians: “Bear with one another; forgive each other... The Lord has forgiven you; now you must do the same... Put on love, the perfect bond... Wives, be subject to your husbands, as you should in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be sharp with them. Children, be obedient to your parents always, because this is what will please the Lord. Parents, do not irritate your children or they will lose heart” (Col 3:12b-14,18-21). As we come to the end of the Year dedicated to Saint Paul, I ask you to take onboard these words of the great Apostle. As Christian families, base your life and mission on Paul’s advice. I conclude by referring to the words of our beloved Holy Father, Pope Benedict the Sixteenth, to the Sixth World Meeting of Families: “I urge all of you to have great trust, for the family is in the Heart of God, Creator and Saviour. Working for families is working for the worthy and luminous future of humanity and for the construction of the Kingdom of God. Let us humbly invoke divine grace so that it may help us to collaborate with enthusiasm and joy in the noble cause of the family, called to be evangelized and evangelizing, human and humanizing” (17 January 2009). May the intercession of the Blessed Virgin of Ta’ Pinu and Saint Paul assist you in your noble vocation. Yes, be apostles of the family both in Gozo and abroad! May Almighty God bless you: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! |