SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH Response to the proposed doubts about the interpretation of the Decree “Ecclesiae Pastorum” The Fathers of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have resolved in the Ordinary Session to respond to each of the proposed doubts as follows: I D. If article 4 §1 of the Decree “Ecclesiae Pastorum” regarding the vigilance of Pastors of the Church over books (cf. AAS 67 [1975] 283) suppresses the obligation of requesting the approval of the Holy See for catechisms and national catechetical directories, according to n. 134 of the general catechetical Directory promulgated by the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy (cf. AAS 64 [1972] 173). R. Negative. II D. If the word “is recommended,” in article 5 §1 of the same Decree intends to derogate from the right of Ordinaries to demand that books and writings, which are mentioned in the above mentioned article, are to be approved. R. Negative. His Holiness Pope John Paul II approved the above indicated responses in the Audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect, ordering that they be published. From the office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, June 25, 1980. Franjo Card. Šeper Prefect Fr. Jérôme Hamer, O.P. Titual Archbishop of Lorium Secretary |