The Holy See
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February 1, 2000  

Day dedicated to mission-witness-martyrdom
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
From the Eucharist to mission





General indications 

1. During this third day of preparation, attention is turned to the adoration of Christ our Lord, present in the Eucharist, which is the model of consecration, and the sign of communion and of fraternity. In this year which is eminently Eucharistic, consecrated persons are invited to express, in the way they think best, a meaningful and communitarian sign of their faith in the Eucharist (cf. TMA, 55).

2. Community adoration should develop in an atmosphere of contemplation and praise. The altar for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament should be ornamented with flowers and light.

3. A lectern should be prepared that will enthrone the Word of God in such a way that the rapport between the Word and the Eucharist will be highlighted. 

4. To underline the gift and the task of mission, after the adoration of the Eucharist, it would be well to perform a collective gesture of missionary announcement or service to the poor as a public testimony of the call to preach the Gospel to the needy of the whole world.  



I. Initial Rite: Exposition 

While the organ is played or an opening hymn is sung, the procession enters from a side chapel and moves towards the altar. The Book of the Gospel and the Eucharist for the Exposition should be carried in. The Gospel is placed on the lectern and the host placed in the monstrance which should be clearly visible and illuminated. 

The priest incenses the Blessed Sacrament while the assembly sings a eucharistic hymn. 

After a brief silence, the reader invites everyone to live in communion the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as a confession of faith and love in the presence of Christ who has placed his tent in the midst of us. He is present with us in the Eucharist as a teacher and model of the Consecrated Life. 

There follows a prolonged period of silence. 

II. The Eucharist: listening to the Word, contemplation of the Mystery, call to Mission 

With Jesus on Mount Tabor 

A reader introduces the reading of the Gospel of the Transfiguration with the words of the third paragraph of n. 14 of Vita consecrata continuing on until the end: "In the Gospel... the way of the Cross". 

At the conclusion all arise and listen to the proclamation of the Gospel, Mt17:1-9. At the end they acclaim the Word of the Lord. 

A suitable hymn and a moment of silence reserved for contemplating the mystery and icon of Mount Tabor which gives meaning to the consecrated life may follow this. 

Contemplation and Confession of Faith 

Acclamations to Christ follow that are inspired by n. 24 of VC and a cited text of St. Augustine. The assembly responds with an invocation: Kyrie eleison or Adoramus Te, Domine. 

Let us pray: 

You who upon the holy mountain revealed yourself as the beloved Son of the Father, surrounded with the light of the Holy Spirit.  
You who are the Transfigured of Tabor and the Disfigured without beauty of Calvary.  
You who are the splendour of the divine beauty and attract us to follow you in the way of the Gospel.
You who are the Word Incarnate, beautiful near God in heaven and on earth.  
You who are beautiful in the womb of the Virgin, in the arms of the Mother, hand in hand with Joseph.  
You who are beautiful in words and in miracles, in the company of the disciples, in the friendship at Bethany, in the love of the poor.  
You who are beautiful in torment, on the wood of the cross, laid out and wrapped in the grave.  
You who are the splendour of beauty in the resurrection, in the sign of peace given to the disciples, on the way to Emmaus, in the glory of your Ascension.  
You who are the splendour of hidden beauty in the Eucharist, a friendly presence, food for our journey, grant that we may be always attracted by you, towards the Father, in the Holy Spirit, together with all our brothers and sisters in the world who have hunger and thirst for the divine beauty. 


Remain for some moments in silence.  

III. In prayer with the Eucharist 

Prayer of thanksgiving and supplication 

There follows a time of prayer. This is inspired by the style of the Eucharistic prayer. 

Some consecrated persons may express four or five prayer intentions, of thanksgiving or supplication for the gift of the consecrated life, before the Blessed Sacrament. 

Or: The priest rises and recites a prayer of thanksgiving or supplication for the consecrated life, using the text of the Prayer of Benediction of the Professed, n. 1, of the Ritual of Perpetual Profession. This text, in the context of this prayer celebration, is a solemn benediction by God and a supplication for the perserverance and faithfulness of the consecrated. 

Prayer and offering gestures 

There follows a Eucharistic gesture of offering that symbolises the consecration for mission. 

Each of the gestures-which are made in silence by diverse representatives of the consecrated life-may be announced aloud by a reader: 

_ The offering of a lighted lamp as a sign of love for God and neighbour that is lived in its fullness through consecrated chastity. 

_ The offering of a tray with bread and wine as a sign of life that is given in poverty and sharing. 

_ The offering of oneself through obedience-a person advances to the altar with hands open as a symbol of offering. He or she makes a profound sign of adoration that symbolises the Fiat of Christ and Mary to do the will of God. 

_ The offering of a palm or olive branch as an offering of a life that is dedicated even unto death, in memory of all the consecrated persons who have given their lives for Christ. 

_ The offering of a bouquet of multi-coloured flowers which is placed at the foot of the altar as an expression of the diverse charisms contained within the consecrated life.  


IV. From Mount Tabor to the apostolic mission 

The reading of VC, 40 follows; this is the invitation to the consecrated life. Soft music should be played as this is read. Or, as a method of exhortation the meditation III. Mission - Witness - Martyrdom may be read (App. I.C).  


V. Eucharistic Benediction 

After some instants of silence, the eucharistic benediction is given in the usual manner. 

As the Eucharist is being reposed, the hymn "Ave verum, corpus natum de Maria Virgine"should be sung.
