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Catechism of the Catholic Church IntraText - Frequency word list |
Word Form 119 1546 1979 248 60 675 72 80 81 84 88 90 94 abandon abide abolish accordingly achieved addition addresses aim all-holy appeared area ark articulated asleep associations assures attained attraction awareness b baptizes benedict besides binds branches build cardinal careful carnal cast centre certainly charism choosing christi claim co-workers collaboration collaborators commitment concludes consolation consoler councils creating cult damascene dc departure desired dies difference dimension discourse discretion dispensation drinks easily effective elect elizabeth embraces enable engage enlightens epiphany eternity exclusive experiences explained fail fatherhood fellow fill fixed forbidden funeral furthermore generous genesis governed governs habitual homeland homily honors hunger inclination inclined increased indissolubility infallibility infinitely injury innermost intervention intimately introduces judges lasting later leaders liberty lo london maintain major mal manifold marks martyrdom marvellous mere mixed morning movements myron myst natures near newly norm num observance observed occasion offices parties passed patient perfects permits perverse precisely presides process produce putting qualities raises raising regarded regarding remembrance rendered renewed repent reputation respected restoring returns sadness school sealed self-giving serm sincere sing singing sinning small sought strengthening sums surpassing swear totality touches treasury tree trusting truthfulness twofold types universality unjustly varied vast vine virgins well-being wound writing zech