The Holy See
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Alphabetical    [«  »]
perfects 8
perferri 1
perform 9
performance 4
performed 19
performing 5
performs 4
Frequency    [«  »]
4 penitential
4 per
4 perceive
4 performance
4 performs
4 periods
4 permanently
Catechism of the Catholic Church

IntraText - Concordances
  Part,  Sect., Chapter, Paragraph
1 2, 2, 2, 1494| The confessor proposes the performance of certain acts of "satisfaction" 2 3, 2, 1, 2111| signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior 3 3, 2, 1, 2185| proper to the Lord's Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and 4 3, 2, 2, 2362| honorable; the truly human performance of these acts fosters the

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