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Il cordoglio del Santo Padre per il devastante incidente in una stazione di servizio ad Accra (Ghana), 05.06.2015

Riportiamo di seguito il telegramma di cordoglio per le vittime dell’esplosione e del devastante incendio avvenuto la notte scorsa in una stazione di servizio ad Accra, in Ghana, inviato dal Cardinale di Stato Pietro Parolin, a nome del Santo Padre, a S.E. Mons. Joseph Osi-Bonsu, Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale ghanese:


The Right Reverend Joseph Osi-Bonsu


Ghana Bishops’ Conference

Deeply saddened to learn of the tragic incident at a petrol station in Accra in which so many people died or were seriously injured, the Holy Father sends heartfelt condolences to the relatives of the deceased and injured, to the authorities and to the entire Nation. His Holiness commends the souls of the departed to Almighty God and willingly invokes the divine gifts of consolation and strength upon those who mourn and upon all who have been affected by this tragedy.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Secretary of State

[00955-EN.01] [Original text: English]

