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Procedendo nella costituzione delle nuove istituzioni create con il Motu proprio "Fidelis dispensator et prudens" del 24 febbraio 2014, il Santo Padre ha nominato ad quinquennium otto cardinali e sette esperti laici quali membri del Consiglio per l’Economia:

Reinhard Card. Marx, Arcivescovo di München und Freising (Coordinatore);

Juan Luis Card. Cipriani Thorne, Arcivescovo di Lima;

Daniel N. Card. DiNardo, Arcivescovo di Galveston-Houston;

Wilfrid Fox Card. Napier, Arcivescovo di Durban;

Jean-Pierre Card. Ricard, Arcivescovo di Bordeaux;

Norberto Card. Rivera Carrera, Arcivescovo di México;

John Card. Tong Hon, Vescovo di Hong Kong;

Agostino Card. Vallini, Vicario Generale di Sua Santità per la Diocesi di Roma;

Joseph F.X. Zahra, Malta (Vice Coordinatore);

Jean-Baptiste de Franssu, Francia;

John Kyle, Canada;

Enrique Llano Cueto, Spagna;

Jochen Messemer, Germania;

Francesco Vermiglio, Italia;

George Yeo, Singapore.

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 His Eminence Reinhard Cardinal Marx is the Coordinator of the Council for the Economy.
He has been Archbishop of Munich and Freising since 2008. Previously he was Bishop of Trier (2002–2008), Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn (1996–2001) and Titular Bishop of Petina (1996–2001).
Cardinal Marx is a member of the Council of 8 Cardinals.

 His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo has been Archbishop of Galveston-Houston since 2006. Before that he was Coadjutor Archbishop of Galveston-Houston (2004-2006), Coadjutor Bishop of Galveston-Houston (2004), Bishop of Sioux City (1998-2004) and Coadjutor Bishop of Sioux City (1997-1998).

His Eminence Wilfrid Fox Cardinal Napier has been Archbishop of Durban since 1992. Previously he was Bishop of Kokstad (1981-1992).
Cardinal Napier was a member of the former Council of 15 Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Questions of the Apostolic See.

 His Eminence Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera has been Archbishop of Mexico City since 1995. Previously he was Bishop of Tehuacán (1985-1995).
Cardinal Rivera Carrera was a member of the former Council of 15 Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Questions of the Apostolic See.

 His Eminence Juan Luis Cardinal Cipriani Thorne has been Archbishop of Lima since 1999. Previously he was Archbishop of Ayacucho (1995-1999), Auxiliary Bishop of Ayacucho (1988-1995) and Titular Bishop of Turuzi (1988-1995).
Cardinal Cipriani Thorne was a member of the former Council of 15 Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Questions of the Apostolic See.

 His Eminence Jean-Pierre Cardinal Ricard has been Archbishop of Bordeaux since 2001. Previously, he was Bishop of Montpellier (1996-2001), Coadjutor Bishop of Montpelli er (1996), Auxiliary Bishop of Grenoble (1993-1996) and Titular Bishop of Pulcheriopolis (1993-1996).
Cardinal Ricard was a member of the former Council of 15 Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Questions of the Apostolic See.

 His Eminence John Cardinal Tong Hon has been Bishop of Hong Kong since 2009. Previously, he was Coadjutor Bishop of Hong Kong (2008-2009), Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong (1996-2008) and Titular Bishop of Bossa (1996-2008).
Cardinal Tong Hon was a member of the former Council of 15 Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Questions of the Apostolic See.

 His Eminence Agostino Cardinal Vallini has been Vicar General of Rome since 2008. Previously, he was Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura (2004-2008), Bishop of Albano (1999-2004), Auxiliary Bishop of Naples (1989-1999) and Titular Bishop of Tortibulum (1989-1999).
Cardinal Vallini was a member of the former Council of 15 Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Questions of the Apostolic See.


 Joseph F.X. Zahra is an economist and founding partner and Managing Director of MISCO, the independent consulting group operating in Malta, Italy and Cyprus. He has a wealth of practical Board experience gained from many years of leading organizations in the private and government sectors in both an executive and non-executive Director capacity. He has a long history of working effectively with Chairs, Directors and Senior Executives to improve corporate performance. He has been a consultant and board facilitator in the Corporate World, for over 25 years guiding executives in changing the way they do business, using new technologies and business models. He has addressed numerous seminars on industrial development, managerial economics, financial services and management all over Europe as well as in North America, consulting companies and organizations, across a diverse range of industries and professions.
He is a former director of the Central Bank of Malta and former member of the Monetary Policy Committee, former chairman of Bank of Valletta plc., Maltacom plc., and Middlesea Insurance plc. as well as Chairman of the National Commission for Higher Education. In 2005 he was appointed by the Prime Minister of Malta as the Chairman of the National Euro Changeover Committee. In July 2013, Pope Francis appointed him President of the Commission for the reforms of the economic and administrative structures of the Holy See. He sits on a number of boards of directors of both private and listed companies operating in financial services, oil services, transportation, retailing and accommodation.

 Jean-Baptiste de Franssu is Chairman of INCIPIT, an M&A advisory and consulting firm.
Up to the end of October 2011 he was Chief Executive Officer of Invesco Europe and a member of the Invesco Worldwide management committee.
Before joining Invesco in 1990, Jean-Baptiste was a Director of Groupe Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in France, and prior to this a Financial Editor at INVESTIR magazine.
Jean-Baptiste is a graduate of the ESC Group Business School in Reims, France and holds a BA in European Business Administration from Middlesex University in the UK. He also holds a postgraduate degree in Actuarial Studies from Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris.
In June 2009 he was elected President of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA). His mandate ended in June 2011. Jean-Baptiste was also a member of the European Commission's asset management expert group on UCITS regulatory regime evolution. He was Chairperson of the Think Tank Group on Thought Leadership in Asset Management that released 3 key publications including one in January 2009 on the key challenges faced by UCITS post credit crisis, with the support of European commissioner McGreevy. In 2009 he was Elected European fund industry personality of the year. He has, over the years, contributed to many publications and seminars on issues relating to regulation and supervision of asset management activities. Since 2013, Jean-Baptiste has been a member of the Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Organization of the Economic-Administrative Structure of the Holy See.
Jean-Baptiste is non-executive director of TAGES LLP, Carmignac Gestion S.A. and ACOFI SCA. He is also a member of various boards of European and US charities. He is married with Hélène de Gerlache de Gomery and they have 4 children. 

John F. Kyle retired in 2008 as Vice-President and Treasure of Imperial Oil Limited in Canada after 34 years of service. Born in the United States on January 16, 1943, he is a dual citizen of Canada and the United States.
Dr. Kyle obtained his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1971. Early in his professional career he taught economics at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and also at New York University. He moved to Canada in 1976 and joined Imperial Oil where he held a number of executive positions with Imperial and its parent company, ExxonMobil Corp prior to becoming Vice President and Treasurer in 1991.
Dr. Kyle is a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute in Toronto, and has been a member of the Council of International Auditors of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See since 2005. He was a member of the Finance Council of the Archdiocese of Toronto from 1991 to 2005, and a member and chair of the audit committee of the Board of Catholic Cemeteries of Toronto. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of Saint Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto from 1992 to 2003, and served as Board Chair from 1998 to 2003. From 2003 to 2005 he was a member of the board of directors of The St. Joseph's Health Centre Foundation.
He and his wife Judith currently divide their time between Naples, Florida, Canada and Alaska.

 Enrique Llano Cueto is an Economist from the University of Madrid and a Chartered Accountant.
He began his career at Deloitte Haskins and Sells (now Deloitte and Touche) where he served, during more than fifteen years, audit clients in the industry as well as in the financial, insurance and in the health care sector as director and audit partner. He was elected in 1986 member of the Partnership Board until 1988. Between 1988 and 2008, he was audit partner of KPMG Peat Marwick (now KPMG), responsible for Infrastructure, Government and Public Health line of business and lead partner responsible for services rendered worldwide to certain major clients in the public and private sectors. He served on the Partnership Board for several terms.
At present, he is an independent adviser to middle size and family business companies. He is also a former independent director and chairman of the audit committee of NCG Bank SA.
Enrique is member of several business associations and of the Spanish Chapter of Club de Roma.
Since 2013, Enrique has been a member of the Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Organization of the Economic- Administrative Structure of the Holy See.

Jochen Messemer, 47 years old, lives in Düsseldorf, Germany. He is a former Partner of McKinsey&Company (1993-2003), where he served clients in the Health Care and Financial Service Industry. During that time he has also worked for various institutions of the Catholic Church in Germany.
He has been an International Auditor of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Vatican and the Holy See since 2009 and a member of the Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Organization of the Economic-Administrative Structure of the Holy See since 2013.
He is a Senior manager with experience in the insurance and health care industry. Since 2004 he is working for the ERGO Insurance Group. He was Member of the Board of DKV Health Insurance Company (2003-2010). Since 2009 he is responsible for the International Insurance Business of ERGO as Chairman of the Board of Ergo International Ltd.
He holds a PhD in Economics and an MBA in Business Administration.

 Francesco Vermiglio is Full Professor of Business Administration at the University of Messina since 1987. From 1991 to 2006 he also taught Business Administration and Cost Accounting at the University "LUISS Guido Carli" in Rome.
His main academic interests lie in accounting, company valuation and corporate social responsibility.
He is founding member and former chairman of GBS, the national study and research group that drafted and maintains the social reporting standards for Italian private companies and Public Administrations.
He was member of the Executive Committee of the OIC (Organismo Italiano Contabilità), the institution that defines and maintains the Italian Accounting Standards and contributes to the development of the International Accounting Principles and Standards.
In 1968 he was awarded the Chartered Accountant and Chartered Auditor professional designation.
He is serving as a consultant on matters related to accounting, company valuation and corporate finance to various organizations, including several public institutions.
He was a board member for several companies and banks including Banco di Sicilia and Bank of Valletta (Malta).
From 1992 to 2013 he was in the Board of Directors of the Diocesan Institute for the support of the Clergy of the Dioceses of Messina, Lipari and S. Lucia del Mela (Istituto Diocesano per il Sostentamento Clero delle Diocesi di Messina, Lipari e S. Lucia del Mela).
Francesco is member of several scientific associations and author of more than 50 scientific publications.

 George Yeo, age 59, has been the Chairman of Kerry Logistics Network since August 2012.
From 1988 to 2011, Mr. Yeo served for 23 years in the Singapore Government, as Minister of State for Finance, then as Minister for Information and the Arts, Health, Trade and Industry, and Foreign Affairs. Prior to 1988, Mr. Yeo served in various capacities in the Singapore Armed Forces, including Chief-of-Staff of the Air Staff and Director of Joint Operations and Planning in the Defence Ministry, attaining the rank of Brigadier-General.
Mr. Yeo chairs the International Advisory Panel of India's Nalanda University, and is a member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, the Berggruen Institute on Governance, the Asia-Pacific Advisory Board of Harvard Business School, the International Advisory Board of IESE Business School, the Economic Development Commission, Hong Kong.
In 2013, Mr. Yeo was appointed a member of the Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Economic-Administrative Structure of the Holy See. Mr. Yeo has been an independent non-executive director of AIA Group Limited (a listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with stock code 1299) since November 2012. Mr. Yeo was awarded the Philippines’ Order of Sikatuna, India’s Padma Bhushan and Australia’s Honorary Officer of the Order of Australia.
Mr. Yeo graduated from Cambridge University in engineering in 1976 and also obtained a master of business administration degree from Harvard Business School in 1985. In addition, Mr. Yeo was a visiting scholar to Peking University from September to December 2011 and remains a visiting scholar at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.



