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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 19.10.2023

Resignation of bishop of Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina

Erection of the diocese of Rawson, Argentina, and appointment of the first bishop

Appointment of bishop of Bukoba, Tanzania

Appointment of bishop of Njombe, Tanzania


Resignation of bishop of Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentinalo

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, presented by Bishop Joaquín Gimeno Lahoz.


Erection of the diocese of Rawson, Argentina, and appointment of the first bishop

The Holy Father has erected the new diocese of Rawson, Argentina, by dismemberment of the diocese of Comodoro Rivadavia, making it a suffragan of the metropolitan see of Bahía Blanca.

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Roberto Álvarez, until now titular bishop of Sozopolis in Haemimonto and auxiliary of Comodoro Rivadavia, as first bishop of the newly-erected diocese of Rawson.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop Álvarez was born in Córdoba on 5 May 1968. He attended the major seminary of Córdoba and was awarded a licentiate in biblical theology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina of Buenos Aires.

He was ordained a priest on 14 December 1998.

He has held the following offices: parish vicar, professor in the major seminary of Córdoba, parish administrator of Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Salsipuedes, and of Nuestra Señora de Fátima, Cosquín; parish priest of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, Río Ceballos, and of Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Cosquín.

On 28 November 2017 he was appointed titular bishop of Sozopolis in Haemimonto and auxiliary of the diocese of Comodoro Rivadavia, receiving episcopal ordination the following 22 December.

Within the Argentine Episcopal Conference, he is a member of the Episcopal Commission for Catechesis, Animation and Biblical Pastoral Care and the Episcopal Commission for Caritas.

Statistical data

1. The statistical data of the diocese of Comodoro Rivadavia, following dismemberment, are as follows:


 50.913 km2 5,265,309








Diocesan priests:


Religious priests:


Permanent deacons:




Male religious institutes


Female religious institutes


Educational institutes


Secular institutes




List of municipalities composing the territory of the diocese of Comodoro Rivadavia after dismemberment

1. Escalante

2. Sarmiento

3. Río Senguer

2. The statistical data of the new diocese of Rawson, following dismemberment, are as follows:


 95.606 km2 5,265,309








Diocesan priests:


Religious priests:


Permanent deacons:




Male religious institutes


Female religious institutes


Educational institutes


Secular institutes




List of municipalities composing the territory of the diocese of Rawson after dismemberment:

1. Rawson

2. Biedma

3. Gaimán

4. Florentino Ameghino

5. Mártires

6. Telsen

7. Gastre


Appointment of bishop of Bukoba, Tanzania

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Jovitus Francis Mwijage, of the clergy of Bukoba, until now National Executive Director of UMAWATA and member of the Regional Council of Seminaries and the International Economic Committee of the Pontifical Mission Societies, as bishop of the diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Jovitus Francis Mwijage was born on 2 December 1966 in Bukoba. He studied philosophy at the Ntungamo Major Seminary in Bukoba and theology at the Segerea Senior Seminary in Dar-es-Salaam.

He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Bukoba on 20 July 1997.

After ordination, he first served as deputy parish priest of Mwemage (1997-1998) and teacher of history, Kiswahili, Latin and geography at Rubya Seminary (1999-2005). He was awarded a doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (2005-2011), and went on to hold the roles of professor of ecclesiastical history at Segerea Senior Seminary (2011-2012) and national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) (2012-2023). From 2012 to the present, he has served as national executive director of UMAWATA and member of the Regional Council of Seminaries of Kipalapala, Kibosho, Ntungamo, Segerea and, since 2020, member of the International Economic Committee of the Pontifical Mission Societies.


Appointment of bishop of Njombe, Tanzania

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Eusebio Samwel Kyando, of the clergy of Njombe, until now member of the Finance and Development Committee and representative of the apostolic administrator of Njombe.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Eusebio Samwel Kyando was born on 7 March 1964 in Njombe. After attending the Saint Kizito Minor Seminary in Mafinga, in the diocese of Iringa, he studied philosophy and theology at Saint Augustine Major Seminary in Peramiho.

He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Njombe on 19 June 1996.

After ordination, he served as deputy priest of Matamba, parish coordinator of the UVIKANJO Youth Movement and teacher of religion at Itamba Secondary School (1996-1997); deputy parish priest of Mlangali, parish coordinator of the UVIKANJO and TYCS Youth Movements and teacher of religion and Bible knowledge at Ulayasi Secondary School (1997-1999); and lecturer and formator at Saint Joseph Minor Seminary, Kilocha (1999). After obtaining an advanced diploma in accounting and finance at Saint Augustine University in Tanzania (SAUT) (1999-2002), he held the roles of tutorial assistant in the Accounting and Finance Department of SAUT (Mwanza) and professional advisor to the University Accounting Office (2004). He was awarded a master’s degree in professional accounting from the University of Tasmania in Australia, serving as deputy parish priest of the Catholic Parish of Sandy Bay and Taroona and head of the pastoral care of African migrants in the archdiocese of Hobart, Australia (2005-2006). After holding the roles of assistant and lecturer at SAUT, he went on to complete a Master of Business Administration at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, becoming a Ceretified Public Accountant (CPA-) of the National Board of Accountants and Auditors of Tanzania (2007-2011). He then held the offices of bursar general of the diocese of Njombe (2011), finance officer and Treasury back officer at Mkombozi Commercial Bank, co-managed by the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (2012-2015). Following his studies for a doctorate in business administration at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya (2015-2021), he served as representative of the apostolic administrator (since 2021).