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Resignations and Appointments, 17.06.2020

Appointment of bishop of Uruaçu, Brazil

Appointment of bishop of Gozo, Malta


Appointment of bishop of Uruaçu, Brazil

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Uruaçu, Brazil, the Reverend Giovani Carlos Caldas Barroca of the clergy of the archdiocese of Brasilia, currently parish priest of São Miguel Arcanjo in Recanto das Emas-DF.

Reverend Giovani Carlos Caldas Barroca

The Reverend Giovani Carlos Caldas Barroca was born on 14 February 1969 in Brasilia-DF. He carried out his studies in philosophy and theology at the Nossa Senhora de Fátima archdiocesan seminary in Brasilia.

He was ordained a priest on 3 December 1994, and was incardinated in the archdiocese of Brasilia,

where he served as coordinator of the pastoral sector, professor in the archdiocesan seminary and member of the presbyteral, episcopal and pastoral councils.

He is currently parish priest of São Miguel Arcanjo in Recanto das Emas-DF and episcopal vicar of the Vicariate Leste of the archdiocese.


Appointment of bishop of Gozo, Malta

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of Gozo, Malta, the Reverend Anthony Teuma, of the clergy of the same diocese, currently episcopal delegate for the family and head of the John Paul II Family Institute of Gozo.

Reverend Anthony Teuma

The Reverend Anthony Teuma was born in Xaghra, in Gozo, Malta, on 11 January 1964. After his secondary school studies at the diocesan minor seminary, he carried out his studies in philosophy and theology at the major seminary of Gozo. He was subsequently sent to Rome, where he was awarded a doctorate in science of education from the Pontifical Salesian University.

He was ordained a priest on 25 June 1988 for the diocese of Gozo. In agreement with the bishop, he remained in Rome until 1997, exercising the following ministries: parish vicar in the parish of Sant’Ignazio di Antiochia (1988-1995); spiritual father at the Pontifical Roman Seminary (1995-1997); head and spiritual assistant of the Eucharistic Communities of the diocese of Rome (1996-1997).

Upon returning to his diocese, he served as rector of the major seminary of Gozo from 1997 to 2007. After a sabbatical year of study and prayer in the Holy Land, from 1998 to 2016 he was head and spiritual assistant of the Eucharistic Communities of the diocese of Gozo.

He is currently episcopal delegate for the family and head of the John Paul II Family Institute in Gozo. Finally, since 1997 he has served as member of the college of consulters and of the diocesan presbyteral and pastoral councils.
