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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 19.03.2019

Appointment of bishop of Menongue, Angola

Appointment of bishop of Soroti, Uganda

Appointment of apostolic nuncio in South Sudan

Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Mozambique

Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Slovenia and apostolic delegate for Kosovo


Appointment of bishop of Menongue, Angola

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Menongue, Angola the Rev. Leopoldo Ndakalako, of the clergy of Ondjiva, currently vicar general.

Rev. Leopoldo Ndakalako

Rev. Leopoldo Ndakalako was born on 13 December 1968, in Ohakaonde, in the province of Cunene. After his primary school education in Mongua and in Ondjiva, he carried out the preparatory course at Lubango. From 1989 to 1993 he studied philosophy in the Christ King major seminary of Huambo, and from 1994 to 1997, theology at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome. he was ordained a priest on 14 December 1997, in the Mission of Omupanda for the diocese of Ondjiva.

Since ordination he has held the following roles: vice-rector of the Propaedeutic Seminary and Parochial Vicar of Nossa Senhora das Vitórias - Sé Catedral (1998-1999); Studies for the Doctorate in Philosophy at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome (1999-2003); Rector of the Propaedeutic Seminary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (2003-2016); Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Care (2012-2017). From 2017 Vicar General of the Diocese of Ondjiva and Administrator of the quasi-parish of São António Naipalala in Ondjiva.


Appointment of bishop of Soroti, Uganda

The Pope has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Soroti, Uganda, the Rev. Joseph Eciru Oliach, of the clergy of the same diocese, currently professor and formator at Saint Mary’s National Major Seminary in Ggaba.

Rev. Joseph Eciru Oliach

The Rev. Joseph Eciru Oliach was born on 11 August 1970 in Gweri, Madeira, in the diocese of Soroti. He completed his studies in philosophy at the Saint Thomas Aquinas National Major Seminary in Katigondo in Masaka (1995-1998) and in theology at the Saint Paul’s National Major Seminary in Kinyamasika, in Fort Portal (1999-2003).

He was ordained a priest on 9 August 2003 for the diocese of Soroti.

Since ordination he carried out the following offices and further studies: parish vicar of Saint Patrick’s Parish in Madeira and, at the same time, teacher of Latin in the Saint Peter’s Minor Seminary of Soroti (2003-2004); and teacher of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew at St. Paul’s National Major Seminary in Kinyamasika in Fort Portal (2003-2004). He holds a licentiate in sacred scripture from the Biblicum, Rome (2006-2009); and a doctorate in biblical theology from the Pontifical Urban University (2009-2012). Since 2012: trainer and professor of sacred scripture and Hebrew at Saint Mary’s National Major Seminary in Ggaba, Kampala. Since 2016, Rev. Joseph Eciru Oliach has also been responsible for the Bible Desk at the secretariat of the Episcopal Conference.


Appointment of apostolic nuncio in South Sudan

The Holy Father has appointed as apostolic nuncio in South Sudan H.E. Msgr. Hubertus Matheus Maria van Megen, titular archbishop of Novaliciana, apostolic nuncio in Kenya.


Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Mozambique

The Holy Father has appointed as apostolic nuncio in Mozambique H.E. Msgr. Piergiorgio Bertoldi, titular archbishop of Spello, currently apostolic nuncio in Burkina Faso and in Niger.


Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Slovenia and apostolic delegate for Kosovo

Pope Francis has appointed as apostolic nuncio in Slovenia and apostolic delegate for Kosovo H.E. Msgr. Jean-Marie Speich, titular archbishop of Sulci, currently apostolic nuncio in Ghana.
