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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 18.03.2019

Resignation of bishop of the eparchy of Križevci for faithful of Byzantine rite, Croatia, and appointment of successor

Appointment of auxiliary of the archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, Philippines


Resignation of eparchial bishop of Križevci for faithful of Byzantine rite, Croatia, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the eparchy of Križevci for faithful of Byzantine rite, Croatia, presented by H.E. Msgr. Nikola Kekić.

The Pope has appointed as apostolic administrator sede vacante of the eparchy of Križevci for faithful of Byzantine rite, Croatia, Rev. Milan Stipić, pastor of the parish of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Jastrebarsko.

Rev. Milan Stipić

Rev. Milan Stipić was born in Bosanski Novi (Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 28 December 1978. After elementary school he enrolled in the minor seminary of Zagabria. In 1997 he continued his formation at the Greek Catholic major seminary of Zagabria and his studies at the local Faculty of Catholic Theology. On 18 October 2003 he was ordained a priest for the eparchy of Križevci. He held the office of parish priest at Kašt and Radatovići. In 2007 he became Archpriest and was responsible for the pastoral care of Greek Catholic faithful in Dalmatia. Since 2012 he has served as parish priest of Jastrebarsko. Aside from Croatian, he speaks Russian and Ukrainian.


Appointment of auxiliary of the archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, Philippines

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary of the archdiocese of Lingayan-Dagupan, Philippines, the Rev. Fidelis B. Layog, of the clergy of the same archdiocese, currently parish priest of the Our Lady of Purification parish, assigning him the titular see of Giro di Tarasio.

Rev. Fidelis B. Layog

Rev. Fidelis B. Layog was born in Dagupan, in the archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, on 20 November 1968. After elementary and secondary schools, he studied philosophy at the “Mary Help of Christians” High School seminary in Dagupan City and theology at the “Immaculate Conception” School of Theology in Vigan City. Between 2000 and 2003 he also attended the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas in Rome, where he studied biblical theology.

After receiving priestly ordination on 29 April 1996 for the archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, he spent the first four years of his priesthood as prefect of discipline at the “Mary Help of Christians” High School seminary in Dagupan City.

Since returning to his diocese following the years of study in Rome, he has served as: moderator of the Holy Family parish team ministry in Pangasinan (2006-2009); Moderator of the team ministry of the Saint Peter and Paul parish and vicar forane (2011-2014); and director of Mapandan Catholic School (2014-2016). Since 2017 he has served as pastor and moderator of the team ministry of the “Our Lady of Purification” parish and director of the Saint Columban Institute of Domalandan in Lingayen, Pangasinan.
