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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 23.11.2018

Resignation of bishop of Lira, Uganda, and appointment of successor

Appointment of ordinary abbot of the territorial abbey of the Blessed Virgin Mary Maris Stellae of Wettingen-Mehrerau, Austria

Appointment of office head in the Vatican Apostolic Library


Resignation of bishop of Lira, Uganda, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Lira, Uganda, presented by H.E .Msgr. Giuseppe Franzelli, M.C.C.J.

The Pope has appointed H.E. Msgr. Santus Lino Wanok, bishop of Nebbi, as bishop of Lira, Uganda.


Appointment of ordinary abbot of the territorial abbey of the Blessed Virgin Mary Maris Stellae of Wettingen-Mehrerau, Austria

The Holy Father has appointed as ordinary abbot of the territorial abbey of the Blessed Virgin Mary Maris Stellae of Wettingen-Mehrerau, Austria, the Rev. Fr. Vinzenz Wohlwend, O.Cist., currently apostolic administrator of the same abbey.

Rev. Fr. Vinzenz Wohlwend, O.Cist.

The Rev. Fr. Vinzenz Wohlwend, O.Cist., was born in Grabs, Switzerland, on 15 October 1969. He attended the lyceum of the Abbey in Wettingen-Mehrerau. After his high school examinations in 1989, he began his philosophical and theological studies in Salzburg.

In 1990 he entered the novitiate of the Abbey in Wettingen-Mehrerau, giving his solemn vows in 1994.

From 1991 to 1995 he carried out his theological studies at the Theological Institute of the Abbey of Maria Einsiedeln, in Switzerland. He subsequently carried out a pastoral apprenticeship in Benediktbeuern, Germany.

He was ordained a priest on 19 September 1998.

From 1997 to 2009 he was formator and teacher of religion at the Collegium Bernardi, directed by the Abbey of Wettingen-Mehrerau. From 2009 he served as prior and master of novices of the same Abbey.

Finally, since 1 August 2018 he has governed the Abbey as apostolic administrator.


Appointment of office head in the Vatican Apostolic Library

The Holy Father has appointed as office head in the Vatican Apostolic Library the distinguished Dr. Paola Manoni, currently official in the same Vatican Apostolic Library.
