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Sala Stampa

RESCRIPTUM EX AUDIENTIA SS.MI: Rescriptum of the Holy Father Francis by which he has decided to co-opt into the Order of Bishops, equating them in all respects with the Cardinals holding the title of a suburbicarian Church, Cardinals Parolin, Sandri, Ouellet and Filoni, 26.06.2018

The Roman Pontiffs have always looked with fraternal predilection to the College of Cardinals. Indeed, they offer special support to the mission of the Successor of Peter, bringing the precious contribution of their experience and service to the particular Churches dispersed throughout the world and effectively enriching the bond of communion with the Church of Rome.

In recent decades there has been a significant expansion of the College of Cardinals. Within it, however, while the Members belonging to the Orders of Priests and Deacons have considerably increased, the number of those who belong to the Order of Bishops has remained constant and unchanged over time. Therefore, seeing the need to enlarge the current composition of the Order of Bishops,

the Supreme Pontiff Francis,

in the Audience granted to the undersigned Substitute for General Affairs on 12 June 2018, has decided to co-opt into the Order of Bishops, equating them in all respects to the Cardinals holding the title of a suburbicarian Church, notwithstanding canons 350 §§ 1-2 and 352 §§ 2-3 CIC, the following Cardinals:

His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, of the Title of Ss. Simone e Giuda Taddeo a Torre Angela, Secretary of State;

His Eminence Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, of the Title of Ss. Biagio e Carlo ai Catinari, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches;

His Eminence Cardinal Marc Ouellet, of the Title of Santa Maria in Traspontina, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops;

His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Deacon of Nostra Signora di Coromoto in S. Giovanni di Dio, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

The present Rescriptum shall be promulgated via publication in L’Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 28 June 2018, and then published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

From the Vatican, 26 June 2018.

+ Angelo Becciu

