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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 12.04.2017

Resignation of archbishop of Białystok, Poland, and appointment of successor

Resignation of bishop of Manado, Indonesia, and appointment of successor

Appointment of Consulters of the Secretariat for Communication


Resignation of archbishop of Białystok, Poland, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Białystok, Poland, presented by His Excellency Rev. Msgr. Edward Ozorowski.

The Holy Father appointed as metropolitan archbishop of Białystok, Poland, Rev. Tadeusz Wojda S.A.C., under-secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

Rev. Tadeusz Wojda S.A.C.

The Rev. Tadeusz Wojda S.A.C., was born on 29 January1957 in Kowala, diocese of Kielce. After his high school examinations (1976) he entered the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottini) and, following his philosophical and theological studies he received priestly ordination for the Society on 8 May 1983, taking responsibility for the missionary animation of the young in the Secretariat for missions of the S.A.C. (1983-1984).

In 1986 he obtained a licentiate and in 1989 a doctorate in missiology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.

On 1 January 1990 he was appointed by Propaganda Fide and in 1991 at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. He has served as chaplain of the Community of Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo in Rome and since 1996 as chaplain at the Italian Red Cross Centre for Motor Education for the disabled.

In 2012 he was appointed as under-secretary for the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

Aside from Polish, he also speaks Italian, French and English.


Resignation of the bishop of Manado, Indonesia, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Manado, Indonesia, presented by His Excellency Msgr. Joseph Theodorus Suwatan, M.S.C., and has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Manado Rev. Fr. Benedictus Estephanus Rolly Untu, M.S.C., former provincial superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart for Indonesia.

Rev. Fr. Benedictus Estephanus Rolly Untu, M.S.C.

The Rev. Fr. Benedictus Estephanus Rolly Untu, M.S.C., was born on 4 January 1957 in Lembean, in the diocese of Manado. He attended the minor seminary in Kakaskasen and subsequently completed his philosophical and theological studies in the seminary of Pineleng. He gave his perpetual vows on 15 January 1983 in Manado, and was ordained a priest on 29 June 1983 in Manado.

He holds a diploma in spirituality from the Adhyatma Vidya Pitha in Bangalore, India, and a licentiate in dogmatic theology from the Catholic University of Lovanio, Belgium. After ordination, he held the following offices: parish vicar of the Cathedral of Manado (1983-1984); pastor of the Queen of the Holy Rosary parish in Tuminting, diocese of Manado(1984-1985); member of the M.S.C. novitiate in Karangayar, diocese of Purwokerto (1986-1991); temporary master of the M.S.C. novitiate in Karanganyar (1989-1990); pastor of the St. Joseph the Worker parish in Karangayar (1987-1991); formator in the M.S.C. Scholasticate in Pineleng (diocese of Manado), teacher in the major seminary of Pineleng, and member of the Presbyteral Council and the College of Consulters of the diocese of Manado (1995-2005); M.S.C. vice-provincial for Indonesia (1996-1997); vice-director of the Higher School of Philosophy in Pineleng (1998-2002); superior of the M.S.C. Scholasticate in Pineleng (2003-2005); assistant to the provincial M.S.C. superior of the M.S.C. for Indonesia (2005-2011); and superior provincial of the M.S.C. for Indonesia (2011-2016).


Appointment of Consulters of the Secretariat for Communication

The Holy Father has appointed as Consulters of the Secretariat for Communication the Rev. Fr. Ivan Maffeis, under-secretary for the Italian Episcopal Conference; Fr. José María La Porte, dean of the Faculty of Institutional Social Communication of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross; Dr. Peter Gonsalves, S.D.B., dean of the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences of the Pontifical Salesian University; Fr. Eric Salobir, O.P., Promoter General for social communications for the Order of Preachers; Fr. James Martin, S.J., Jesuit Magazine America; Fr. Jacquineau Azétsop, S.J., dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Gregorian University; and Dr. Paolo Peverini, lecturer in Semiotics at the LUISS “Guido Carli”; Dr. Fernando Giménez Barriocanal, president and delegator advisor of Radio Popolar Cadena COPE; Dr. Ann Carter, Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications; Mr. Graham Ellis, deputy director of BBC Radio; Dr. Michael P. Warsaw, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of EWTN Global Catholic Network; Dr. Dino Cataldo Dell'Accio, Chief ICT Auditor at the United Nations; and Dr. Michael Paul Unland, executive director of the Catholic Media Council (CA.ME.CO.).
